ZYX Universe and Lyra Titan

I've been reading a lot about the Universe lately but have not read any comparisons with the Titan. Anyone heard them in similiar set-ups? Since I own a Helicon, I receive about a $1,400 credit trading it in for a Titan. Is the Universe $1,300 better at $4,700? I recognize the subjectivity of the question but does anyone have any strong opinions? Thanks.
I cannot help but comment even though I have not heard the Titan. I have heard many things and the Universe is the most neutral, best sounding I have ever heard. I own it and love it. Worth every penny!
I've heard the UNIverse and a Lyra Olympos in the same system. (The Olympos retailed for 10,000 Euros in 2003. It was discontinued due to the near unobtainability of the material its magnets were made from.)

The Olympos was 1-2% faster than the UNIverse and had a slight edge in tracking ability. Other than that they seemed neck and neck. Six experienced vinylphiles needed 30 minutes and multiple A/B/A/B switches on a two arm table before anyone would venture an opinion about the differences between them. All agreed that these were the two finest cartridges anyone there had heard.

IOW, the UNIverse all but matched a Lyra that would retail today for perhaps $12-15K .

If you can find an old Parnassus, Lyra will rebuild it into an Olympos for you. I'd do that in a minute if I had a Parnassus lying about.

Failing that, the UNIverse provides very similar performance for significantly less money, especially at Mehran's discounted price. I don't know how close a Titan comes to an Olympos, but it would have to play within a hair's breadth just to match a UNIverse.

Hope that helps some,
It is really foolish to believe one or two cartridge designs are heads above their competition.I doubt any of us have had privy to any really meaningful comparisons,amongst the,now,seeming plethora of contenders,and there are plenty!!

I am aware of,and do believe,the Univ is a top design.I have not heard one,yet based upon past experience(how many times does some reviewer,or happy owner/s tout the "latest" best of all times,only to see it fall from grace,in record time) I am fairly certain that it IS only one of many fine designs.There are quite a few.Probably just as noteworthy.

Based on the above comments,which are certainly not written in stone,some common sense should prevail,in your buying decision.THE PRICE OF ADMISSION!FOR YOU!!

I am very familiar with,both,the original Titan,and the new version(the Titan-i).I own a Transfiguration Temper-v,and am quite happy,yet although I find very little to criticise,I won't make any claims other than it sounds really good,in my system,and in my friend's identical set-up.

As for the Titan--I have a dear friend who is a serious LP collector,bordering on the obsessed.In a good way.His LP collection could buy him a small island.He has had many of these discs for many years,and knows what the music on them should sound like.Trust me on this (BTW--his system is similarly STUNNING)!The first Titan design,he had,was superb.All of the usual accolades.

Fortunately,for him,and anyone dropping by his home,he got the Titan,revised(the"i"),by accident.A considerable improvement over the first one.I hope it is this newer one,that you consider.I'm not claiming it is the best design on the audio front,yet I simply cannot believe it is significantly bettered by any design,and there are many.The UNIV must surely be one,yet it must be the cost to you,and some common sense,that sways your buying decision.Remember,you are getting a really nice credit,for your current Lyra.

I will try to give you a sense of what I (we) hear at this person's home (which is literally one big audio room/record collection).Since he is blessed with such a stunning variety of real reference discs (ALL are first pressings,and we are talking thousands of to die for LP's)he is capable of culling and playing some of the most unusual and amazingly diverse music one can imagine.This allows one to sample some very unusual,and detailed repertoire,that in many cases contains an unbelieveable array of subtle micro detail.He stands there,like a conductor,pointing out some interesting perspective,in the music,or production,or pressing,and sounds emanating in his superb room.One becomes transfixed,and it becomes an instant addiction.A lesson any music lover wants to repeat every day.This must sound a bit "nuts",yet on so many occassions I,and others,have been amazed at the "STUFF" he pulls from that darn "HAT"!

It is here,in this world of the "new discoveries" in what we thought we knew was recorded on lp,and yet there were so many other worlds,"universes", of "rare" and undiscovered instrumental varieties and voicings that the Titan deciphers.All to a "fairthy-well"!Harmonic virtue,timbre and accuracy(really hard,btw),major dynamics,focus,depth and a real sense of the magic we hear when you just know it is RIGHT.Boy,is it RIGHT!!Yet I would not be surprised,in the least,if SO many other designs could do it too!!This IS really the best of times,for enjoying LP's!

I really must seem like I'm going a bit overboard here,and am,yet my enthusiasm for this wonderful design takes hold.Especially in lieu of the credit,you will get.Best of luck.Either way,you will make a great choice,yet if you do go for anything other than a Titan-i,please send me the credit.I have kids in med school,and that cuts down on audio purchases!

BTW--It was a bit of indigestion,and not being able to sleep,that kepy my diatribe going this long.But it WAS literally heart felt.I'm sure it gave some of you indigestion as well.Sorry!

As I recall from one of your earliest post on another thread, you have been actively involved in the so-called highend for only a couple of years. Am I correct in my assumption?

I really don't think my comments will help you except to the extent of making you comfortable with whatever you choose. I was one of the attendees Dougdeacon mentions who heard both the UNIverse and Olympos. We had both cartridges mounted on Schroder Reference arms using a Teres 340 twin arm table. We could A/B quite quickly or otherwise with this setup. I think this was about as scientific as you could get but I'm certain there were variables such as how many hours were on the wire in the arms and how many hours each cartridge had previously been used. As Doug said, both were outstanding examples with very little difference between them. In my opinion, for what that's worth. About what you've paid for it, for sure.

I don't even own a cartridge of this calibre myself. Mine is a ZYX Airy 3 S SB which happened to fall at the top of my budget range. While I love my cartridge I doubt the other folks in attendance would have picked the silver wire version I own. I'm not offended at all if that's how they feel. Who knows, they may be right but since, in my system, I have no other reference to compare it to I either made the right choice or I'm lucky enough to not know it. Certainly, if there is a difference I'm confident it is very, very small in the real world of listening. The point I'm trying to make is that since we just don't have any real opportunities for comparrison one needs to be pragmatic. My take? You cannot make a mistake at the level you are considering. Certainly, the arm you are using will make a larger difference (assuming it is one I've not heard wiht a Lyra or ZYX) than the cartridges being considered.

Threads like this serve the purpose of at least allowing you to realize you can't make a mistake. For myself money is an issue. If you can realize significant savings by trading in your old cartridge then I'd suggest you place heavy emphasis on that.