ZYX Universe and Lyra Titan

I've been reading a lot about the Universe lately but have not read any comparisons with the Titan. Anyone heard them in similiar set-ups? Since I own a Helicon, I receive about a $1,400 credit trading it in for a Titan. Is the Universe $1,300 better at $4,700? I recognize the subjectivity of the question but does anyone have any strong opinions? Thanks.
I have seen you and Frank Schroder bo back and forth a few times over the last year or so.
It would be nice if you and Frank could meet each other at some point in the future. I think some of your conecptions of him would disappear and you would find a very special human being that you would be happy to know. He is not at all near the defensive/overly sensitive image that you might have come to believe through the Audiogon postings.
I missed all the action from the posts.My connection is down and I'll reestablish in about 2 weeks.Here I am at the public library reading the posts after several days not seeing the flame wars going on.
Yes I must clarify that possibly the system as a whole may have contributed somewhat to what I was hearing,But from my experiences with other systems I have heard in the past.,I still am sticking to my guns with what notes and impressions I came out of from the show.
I will make sure I go next year and will register with my user name and make my presense be known.I will also make sure I bring live recordings I've done of our symphony as well to hear what is really going on.I did have him put on an LP I am intimately familiar with Linda Ronstadt Whats New,and was extremely dissapointed with what I did not hear ,as opposed to what I did hear.Just no ambience retrevial at all.The sound was so shut down and closed in.
But I'm willing to give it another try next year.
I look forward too seeing all your smiling faces next year,
Best regards and enjoy the music.
I have a live concert to play Oct.22nd in Mt.Vernon WA.
featuring An American In Paris.
Log into Skagit Symphony and maybe a few of you will fly out and listen to the live concert.It will save you money on buying a new ZYX instead.
Bye for now
The Universe is a top quality cartridge, but in the room Chris Brady had the misfortune of setting up his Teres 360 NO cartridge would have sounded good. I couldn't stay in that room for more than a few minutes without getting a headache. Chris felt the same way and will return with a vengeance next year.
Does that mean the Schroeder sounded bad ?
Or is the Schroeder very hard to setup ?
Or is the Schroeder not a good match for the Teres 360 ?
Hi Kha

I think if you call either Frank Schroeder or Chris Brady they will tell you what was wrong with that room.
It is certainly not a true reflection of either of those gent's products.

Hi Paul,
why does Schroeder everytime someone post that the
system with his Tonearm sound awfull, he replies
that this is due to the setup, or mismatch of other
components in the system or the room etc....
As with other Tonearm, there are less responce from
the designer.
This gives me as a potential buyer an unsatisfied view
of the Schroeder Tonearm, as I am not willing to modify
the setting each time I hear an LP.

Regards KHA