Demagnatizing a ZYX Cartridge

If there is someone out there that owns a ZYX, can you please tell me if I should periodically demagnatize the cartridge.
Dear friends: Well, my opinion is that till any one of us have a specific cartridge manufacturer confirmation about the safe demagnatizing " exercise " it will be better stay away.

Regards and enjoy the music.

I answered your question in my post of 9/27. Please read it before repeating questions that have already been addressed.

Paul's education and 22 years of professional experience qualify him to understand whether coils can be magnetized. He knows more atomic and molecular level metallurgy than all the audio engineers on the planet. He says it's possible, even probable.

What are your qualifications in metallurgy? Your "common sense" is of little use in understanding metals at the molecular level. It is of no use in understanding ANY material at atomic or sub-atomic levels. Common sense Newtonian physics just don't apply there.

BTW, suggesting that what every person on this thread hears as an improvement is "distortion" is arrogant, absurd and insulting. You haven't heard what we have, so your "common sense" should have deleted that statement before you posted it.

Dear Doug: +++++ " He says it's possible, even probable. " +++++
+++++ " He hasn't attempted to verify this in a metallurgical lab, " +++++

All these means nothing about.

+++++ " He knows more atomic and molecular level metallurgy than all the audio engineers on the planet " +++++

This is arrogant, btw: who cares?

Your post does not help on the main subject.

Doug, you have higher distortion.

Regards and enjoy the music.
For what it is worth I was at the RAMF and attended a seminar by Wally Malewicz. He recommended passive demagnetizing tools such as Cardas, but was against active demagnetizing tools (I specifically asked him about the Benz Aethetix). Wally does not believe any good comes from the active process and that excessive use will damage the cartridge (he provided his scientific reasoning for this via a diagram he drew up - unfortunately I am not technical enough to repeat it for you here). He also shared a DIY process which if you contact him I'm sure he would be willing to share.
Doug: +++++ " What are your qualifications in metallurgy? Your "common sense" is of little use in understanding metals at the molecular level. " +++++

What's all about? why your aggressive mood?

+++++ " . He knows more atomic and molecular level metallurgy than all the audio engineers on the planet. " +++++

Doug, sorry I don't need any person with the Paul qualifications. Maybe you could promote him in a dedicated employment web site.

Regards and enjoy the music.