Solid state or tube what to do??

My system is Arcam A85 DIVA, Quad 12L speakers, NAD 521i CDP, Audioquest interconnects, and Type 4 Speaker cables. I purchased the Arcam 7 months ago but now have the itch to go tube. I have the option of trading my Arcam for a Cayin TA-30 that is fully modded except for the Auricaps. Also included are 2 sets of Svetlana tubes (one pair already on board) and the others to sweeten the deal. Am I making a bad move here by doing a straight trade or should I take the chance. I have no way of auditioning the Cayin as the owner is several hundred miles away. Being new to tube, what would I be losing by giving up my Arcam and/or gaining by getting the Cayin. Also, the little Quads are 6ohms. Could this cause a problem for the Cayin?
I took a bite from the bullet and traded my Arcam A85 Diva for the little Cayin TA-30. Some called me reckless and others were less kind :) I too have invested a great deal of time and effort into solid state amplifiers and decided to take the plunge into the world of tube. I have not had a great deal of time with the Cayin (actually, just a couple of hours), but already I cannot believe the level of transparancy from this amp. In addition, why doesn't every tube amp have that great feature known as "Focus Control" This allows you to tailor any speaker to the Cayin, adding or diminishing unwanted harmonics as you go. I guess it could be compared to an EQ or tone control on SS amplifiers. By leaving it at the 12 o clock position, it is the same as stock without the focus control knob. Bass is obviously not as tight as with the Arcam but definitely more natural. Highs are not as crisp as with Arcam but once again, dido. Mids are remarkable and the soundstage is incredible. All of this from a <1000 tube integrated. I can't even believe that it compares to a $2000 Arcam integrated that some high profile reviewers said was one of the best SS integrateds they have ever heard. That includes the Krell 300i etc. I agree that as SS goes, the Arcam competes with just about anything in its power rating, however,they definitely got it right with the little Cayin, snatch one up if you can find someone to sell it.

Thanks for the information,

Hey Randy..Congratulations on the Cayin amp. There is something indeed wonderful about a well designed and executed tube amp that just sounds so right. I did the same last year after downsizing from a 250W Plinius SA 250 monster amp to a little Manley Stingray integrated. The level of musicality went up so drastically. It was amazing.

Best of luck and enjoy your Cayin amp!...Ken
Dear Randy: How many hours of live music usually do you hear each month? and which kind of?

Regards and enjoy the music.