best turntable under $5k

I just discovered how vinyl is so much better than cd, after using a clear audio emotion turntable for a short while I would like to upgrade to something better. I would prefer to get something that is constantly being improved upon. Is vpi a good place to start or is building a kit the way to go. I want to approach first class sound.
Lirpa Labs Turbo Steamtable--bar none. if i'm not mistaken, the VPI is loosely based on the Lirpa (as so many others are, but fail to acknowledge). it's like not crediting edison! available second-hand only--if you're lucky enough to actually find one.
For that amount on Audiogon, I purchased a used Amazon Model 1 and a used Schroeder Model 1, both in great shape. The Amazon is upgradable to the Reference. Paired with an ZYX cartidge, I will not feel the need to upgrade this group for some time.
Pedrillo, I like the Sota with vacuum.
Musicdoc, I hear Professor Lirpa will have his best version yet coming out in about 6 1/2 months. Can't wait.