kuzma stogi

does anybody know that arm.what does it compare to and what cartridge to put on.
i have a Kuzma Stogi and the unipivoted StogiS both arms are absolutely top sounding and super solid built...the boss of the german/austrian distributor told me on the phone, when i was ordering silicone fluid for the StogiS, that he thinks the cheaper stogiS sounds even better than the more expansive Stogi...i would say at least that the StogiS sounds as good if not a tad better than the double as expansive Stogi...plus you have the possibility to use really different compliance carts because of the silicon dampining of the arm. both arms have a one piece cabling, the stogiS has Cardas its bigger brother Stogi has Van den Hul...by the way a friend of mine had also a Kuzma Stogi and now has a Stogi Reference too and he preferred both over a Linn Ekos...

Regarding the Hadcock, it was something I ran across in my research (here on Audiogon) as I was looking for information on Schroeder tonearms. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with the statement and as you have read in my post I have already decided to upgrade to a Schroeder Model 2. I like my Kuzma, but after 6 years it's time for a change.