Celebrities A/V systems - any interest?

I am thinking of writing magazine articles on the audio system's of famous people, complete with pictures and their personal philosophies/tastes in music and equipment -- if I can find a few who are willing to strut their stuff.

First of all, would you as audiophiles be interested in seeing such a feature?

Secondly, do you think that celebs would be willing to cooperate or would they see potential conflicts with themselves being viewed as endorsing products and so forth?

Does anyone remember the feature that Stereophile (or maybe Fi) ran on Fabio's outrageous Krell/Martin Logan/Infinity system a couple of years ago? I thought that was wild -- Infinity IRSes as rear channels, REALLY!

All comments are welcome, but be nice. :) If there are any famous or relatively well-known people reading this who would be interested or could offer me some insight, by all means feel free to e-mail me through Audiogon.
Guys, thank you for your comments and the tips on the systems featured in the movies. I seem to remember being impressed with Mel Gibson's rig in "What Women Want". I'll have to go back and watch that again. All of you have given me some food for thought and a couple of ideas to consider.
maybe if more famous people were interested in high end, more people would buy high end audio. i think it could be good for the hobby. i wonder what arnold has. if fabio had a giant rug and some tube research, he would never leave home.
OK ... who really cares. I'd file any such article in the same round receptacle that I'd put Robin Leach and his antics. Fabio's house, pets, stereo, pool, kitchen, cars and LIFE have no influence on me, nor does any other celeb. I looked at the pictures of his system ... laughed and went on to the letters and recording's sections.

On the subject of musicians and their systems I have two cents to give. When I hear music I love, it mattters not if it comes from a $50k system or a clock radio, the music will still move me emotionally. I think that you'll find that musicians (myself included) are SO emotionally connected to the music that the sound is whip cream on the sundae and not the other way around, as many audiophiles seem to have it.
Actrually the post abouve about the MTV cribs is a good one, i have seen alot of junk but there was this one time someone had some revel speakers, dunno what other stuff.. and i forget who had em... lol..I know theres more but they dont show it for more than 3 seconds..i saw a some creek gear in one show also.
I think this has been done already. Check out the magazine "Audio Video Interiors". They showcase the audio system and home theater setups of homes of the rich and famous. Some of the homes are owned by non-famous wealthy people, others are owned by celebrities who the magazine names. They also give a plug for the installer, and explain how they built the system into the home. Some of the systems are definitely high-end (Mark Levinson, Lamm, Wilson), while others seem to be a hodge-podge of high-end gear and mass market stuff (Krell amps and Pioneer DVD changers kind of thing). I find the magazine interesting because I get to see what a money-is-no-object approach looks like. I take some of those ideas (the ones I can afford) for my own home theater. Check it out.

Also, while everyone is one the subject of movies: what's the turntable used in Tomb Raider? (the one she used while doing the bungy-ballet). And could anyone see the speakers? As a side note, someone on that movie's sound team did a high quality soundtrack transfer right there (as opposed to the rest of the movie which was recorded at an obscenely low level in comparison to other movies), because the piano she is listening to really shines beyond the typical home theater mix.