The effect of the Expanding Universe on turntables

Since the Universe has been continually expanding after the Big Bang, then it stands to reason that all objects have expanded also , but not nessecarily in proper proportion. This means that the turntable you buy today will actually be larger(and contain more mass) at some date in the distant future (20 years?). I have now discovered why I have never had a used turntable (over 100 turntables) that is on accurate 33&1/3 RPM speed, even with quality synchronous motors. This phono-nomenon can only be attributed to the fact that all the motor parts and the platter are now larger and more massive than previously and thus the ratios of pullies and gears is no longer as designed (in the past), this is the only explanation I can offer as to why the speed of old turntables is faster than when new(by a small percent).It also explains why many older mechanical devices never work properly , no matter how well maintaied and repaired.
No, no, no! Even if what you postulate were true, the fact is that you and the planetary and galactic system of which you are a part, will also have expanded and sped up. Based on the theory of relativity, you would not perceive any difference. 33 1/3 rpm would still be 33 1/3 rpm because a minute would still be a minute.

Older mechanical devices don't work properly because they wear out. Unfortunately, relativity does not confer eternal youth, as you will find out, if you haven't already.
That is exactly the reason I bought a VPI SDS and a KAB speedstobe, so that I can calibrate and adjust the speed before every album side.
Einstein also stated that the SPACE-TIME in the vacinity of large objects such as planets is warped. Thus over a period of time the metallic parts of the turntable in this curved "field" can become permanently warped in size and shape. Even if these deformed metallic pullies, shafts,platters and motor rotor parts were replaced with new parts, the new metal parts would not fit properly. Hence old turntables will NEVER work properly to new factory specs of speed. I recommend continual monitoring of turntable speed. Also the turntables that have extremely heavy platters, 30lb to 70lb, have greater speedstability due to the fact these platters are less efected by thewarpage in space-time. This warpage along with the expansion of the Universe also accounts for why false teeth never fit correctly and and stylus pressure must be continually adjusted. In addition the rotation of the non-metallic platters creates a TIME-WARPAGE that can seriously effect the rotation speen.