Opinions on the Oracle Delphi V's performance?

Anyone with an opinion to offer on the performance of the Oracle Delphi V turntable? I'm also considering a VPI Scoutmaster and was wondering which turntable is better. Thanks
Oracle Delphi V is an older design, but has it's charms, especially looks. In my auditioning it was darker (perhaps due to the suspension choices), but frankly, this could also be due to cartridge and arm choice.

Scoutmaster has recenlty been upgraded, so perhaps R&D is more current?
I wrote this on another thread:


"I am using a Delphi MKV SE (granite base and turbo PS) with the Graham Phantom/Helikon. This is an incredible synergistic combination. I have always maintained that the Delphi MKV SE was a very underrated turntable. I am extremely satisfied with the level of musical performance
of this combo, which compares favorably with some of the very expensive combinations that I have auditioned. Transparency, coherence, speed, treble purity and extension are exceptional. The harmonic richness, bass extension, articulation and solidity are improved markedly with the granite base compared to standard acrylic configuration."

(Also see comments from doublebass)

Additionally, the Oracle is dead quiet mechanically. With the right associated gear it generates a see-through panoramic soundstage. The presentation is very lifelike natural and musical. Speed/tempo is outstanding.
I listened to the Oracle V at the Audiofest along with the Walker Table ,Avid ,and VPI TNT,Brickman,SOTA and others I may have forgotten to mention,and IMO the Oracle V was far more musical then all the other tables by a wide margin.
It reproduces musical notes so faithful and accurate to the instrument being played.The other tables don't come anywhere close to this.
Most especially in the midbass and midrange its just very magical indeed.
I found it kind of dead-sounding (over dampened), but this was in a dealer demol with THEIR cartridge and THEIR phono stage. IMHO the cart and phono stage interaction are 80% of the sound of a record player, so I dont think this bears huge implication on the comparison. I think the Delphi is one of the most beautifully built turn tables available.