ZYX Universe - Unipivot or Dual Gimbal arm

For those with Universe experience, does it sound better with a Unipivot or Dual Gimbal (SME) arm. Thanks.
Cello,firstly I hope you and your family have gotten through the horrible weather.I still cannot get in touch with my folks.

I'd like to clear up a few things,you may not be clear on.Firstly your mention of my wine consumption(which I'll take as a harmless comment).I am always kidding when mentioning drinking wine during any posts.I do like to have maybe 4 glasses per week,as a health benefit,so I'm told.I,also,like to think that from the little personal contact we have had I have given the impression of being the polar opposite of my post personality.I could be wrong here.

As to the mention of my response to you being more appropriate off line--Larry,I WAS quite happy to originally hear from you and always called you back.Trust me,I'm not the overly sensitive type,yet our last two phone conversations were of my initiation,with your having to go.Your response,on both occassions,was "I'll call you back"!It's totally OK that this did not happen,don't sweat it.Yet I was NOT going to make any further intrusions in your personal life,as I could not read your lack of return calls,and felt I should respect your private life.Hense,no E-mails.I did drop a few hints on threads that you didn't pick up on,but it's perfectly OK!

My only real dissappointment is in myself,for OBVIOUSLY going a bit overboard in many previous posts,which don't really represent the real me,yet they were so much fun.Unfortunately,only to me.A bit self centered,I realize,to my chagrin.I most likely won't be posting alot,in the future as it seems I've overdone things.

Well that's the DEAL.Sorry to anyone offended!!Really!!

I really hope to meet all of you guys some day, even Raul. I am thoroughly convinced that half of you are almost as screwed up as I am and the other half are closin' in! Keep workin' at it, I've got a really good head start.

Larry, as I posted elsewhere, it's Maker's Mark and soda. Today's Jack is not really worth more than coke, but still palatable (wow, did I use that word?). I suppose you made it through Wilma fairly well since you're posting here. I'm still waiting to hear from a buddy in Punta Gorda who got creamed last year. I'm fairly sure he came through ok and is probably back at work. It took him all of this last year just to get a dry roof over his head again.

Happy times and bottom's up to all!
Doug,I think it is appropriate that I appologize to you,for the tone of my post.It was smart of you not to respond.I got carried away.Any response is NOT necessary.Just wanted to put this out there,to you!
Sorry if I have not called back when promised, hurricanes and an intense traveling schedule has had me either dealing with a hurricane, impending hurricane, a hurricane that just left, cleaning up the aftermath at home or work, or on the road.
You will hear from me once I settle back from a bit more of Wilma recovery (just got power back at my office about 30 minutes ago, but no power at home and no prospects for the near future, but there are always surprises).
I was referring to my wine consumption not yours (just a little obtuse humor there). I have made a few posts that seemed quite funny at the time after an evening of wine and song that seemed a bit,…well not so funny and a bit over the top the next morning (but I do not have a drinking problem……as far as I know).
Please keep in mind that I also have a sense of humor (I think).
Please do keep posting, just read them once over before you let them fly.
Dan_ed,...... I will give Maker’s Mark a try and do a Jack Black / Maker’s Mark shoot out and report back in (when I get time and after I call Sirspeedy back).
Warmest Regards to All and to All a good night,