TWL Weight Mod question

I have put a couple of lead fishing weights on a Rega arm with an Ortofon VMS 20E Mk11 cartridge,it sounds great except that it has a low cartridge resonance-around 7 Hz,should I persist or desist with this?
I have just added the paper clip,for tracking weight fine-tuning,and low and behold it works with the Ortofon!It seems just as responsive as the other one modded,resonance around 12Hz,which is more typical.I think it has something to do with the way the cartridge is constructed as I alluded to above.
I'm glad to see Paul's paper clip VTF mod still finding happy homes.

I am confused by one thing though. You originally said you had a RF of ~7Hz. Now you say it's ~12Hz. What has changed to cause such a large shift? Adding the paper clip shouldn't do that.
Er, I did say I was confused. Now you know I was telling the truth!

What cartridge are you using on the arm that resonates @ 12Hz?
The cartridge is Linn K18 Mk11 which is now discontinued but was a very well-regarded MM and I think that the old Ortofon VMS is showing it up.