Weak point in this analog system ?

Hi everybody ! I run my analog show with the following system:
Scheu premier MK II
Sme 309
Denon dl 103
Linn Linto phono stage.

Would you pls advise me where to start to improve it ?
Many thanks
Sorry about the late response, I posted it before Ad0 described the rest of his system.

Anyway, it sounds like he's loooking for "a little more flesh on the bones" kind of presentation. Something richer with greater tonal density.

On the tube side, I think the before mentioned Art Audio might do the trick. I have their PX-25 SET amp and it is superb. Their whole line of components shares a common sonic approach. Herron and Aesthetix phono's might also be worth looking into.

On the solid state side, Tom Evans, Whest, and even the Graham Slee Era mkV. I've got the GS in my setup right now with Scheu's Tacco tonearm and the Denon DL-103D and the combination is fantastic - rich, smooth, authorative with great detail and speed...

I also love Cartridge Man's Music Maker III cart, a real performer for the money. Actually, it holds it's own with my much more expensive carts.
Many thanks for your intense help (2 responses in short notice)
I think you caught my feeling with your second response. (a little more flesh on the bones)
In fact you are absolutely right, I evaluated Whest, Evans and Graham before getting the linto.
I go the linto because got a good price offer from a friend. At that time I skipped the Evans because they were not responding to my mail+the web site was down for too much time (does not give a good feeling usually)
The Whest was nice but still too short on the market for my judgement.
The Graham, yes I was next to buy it by they advised me to do change the denon for another cart to get the best out of their stage. They were great people, but at that time I was still too in love with the denon, stupid me maybe. They also advised me the same cart MMM you advised me. The great thing about them was that the final package (I was saving on the step up)was cheaper than the otiginal combi denon+step up+phono stage.
I will remind them this time to my mind.

To complete, honestly I believe the linto cab ne improved because when i inserted it in the system, I was expecting too great things but it only marginally bettered my treshold phono stage, a nice desing but too old.
I am not too god in describing the sound i hear and the one I like, maybe th linnto is simply not my cup of tea?
Thank to all of you, as usual patience enough to invite people to post.
Cheers from Italy
Sorry about the seemingly redundant post above, but I submitted it late last night and it didn't get posted until today after Ad0 described his system.

I'm new to vinyl this year, so please take all my opinions with a HUGE grain of salt, I simply do not have the years of experience that others around here have. But, I have spent a good amount of time over the last few years listening to the better VPI, Nottingham, Linn, Kuzma, Origin Live, JA Michell, SOTA, etc. in systems I consider equal to, or better than, mine. So, I have been able to get a decent sense of how the Scheu stacks up against others..

And I've found that the Scheu is capable of performance equal to, or better than, most those others.

Lately, I've been looking at tubed phono preamps, myself. I love the GS Era Gold I've got, it's just that I'm partial to tubes and want to see how that works in my system. I tried the EAR 834P, while it did some things extremely well, I found it a little slow, bloated, and diffuse in comparison to the GS Era. Still, what it did well was enough to sell me on tubed pre's.

My current wish list is the Art Audio Vinyl One(I've got their PX-25 SET amp), Eastern Electric Minimax, Wright WPP200-C, and Herron Audio VTPH-1.

my vinyl system is:
1) a pair of Scheu Premier mkII's
2) Scheu's top of the line unipivot "Tacco" tonearm.
3) Graham Slee Era Gold mkV + GS Elevator "transformerless" stepup.
4) Grado "The Statement",
5) ZYX Fuji FS 100 Silver,
6) Cartridge Man Music Maker III,
7) Denon DL-103D. (Check the rest of my system via my moniker link)

Dear Ad010685: Weak link in your system: DL 103. This is a trash of cartridge, of course for 200.00 you can't wait for more.

If you are experienced and care about music you have to agree with that statement.

Second, your phonopreamp and the tube/equalizers that you use in your audio system.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Guess it's hard to be either regarded or to enjoy music when your system has a trash cartridge and equalizer components. Plus, since you probably don't agree (and shouldn't), I guess we can assume that your inexperienced, don't care about music, and disagreeable in this regard. Oy....why am I not surprised? Further evidence for the advisability of checking in here even less often.

Sorry ad010685, welcome to the inane.