Need help - How to transport my turntable

My local dealer put a new arm, cart and set up my table which I'm picking up later today. (Oracle Delphi V).

I don't have the original box and my car is a sports coupe with a modified, very stiff suspension. Any tips for transporting it (about a 20 minute drive on bumpy roads)?

I was thinking of putting it in the flattest spot in the trunk on top of a thick blanket, foam padding and a big pillow, with an elastic net to hold it secure. I was going to cut blocks out of foam to wedge the turntable platter and suspension so it wouldn't move around. Does that sound good enough? Any advice/ input?

Ask a friend to go along for the ride and you buy lunch at a nice place. Support the turntable arm, platter and suspension as you described and have your guest hold it on their lap for the ride home. Good luck.
I would remove the platter at the very least so as to not damage the bearing. Depending on the difficulty I would also consider removing the arm and boxing separately.
Having transported my Oracle Delphi to Brooks Berdan on several occassions(upgrade tone arm, rewire with cardas,damping trough installed) I can tell you are on the right track with the styrofoam blocks which came packaged in the original shipping box(the blocks are 3 inches long,2 1/2 inches wide and 2 1/2 high). Cut out a U(1 inch and an 1/8) in the block so that it slips nice and snug against the INSIDE of the towers.Once you have the U in there on the top of the block cut a groove(1/2 inch) so that the metal that the tower is attached to slips in there. There should be a little play in there so that the table CAN jostle up and down but not enough to where it can bottom out and damage your bearing. You will need three of them.The block should look like a Y cut in the square. Also tie your tonearm down with a twist tie on to it's perch and if you have a needle guard usealy a piece of plastic that snaps on underneath the cartridge body put that on to. But before you do this ask the person who worked on your table if he has anything that he might loan you for the trip which you will return later on in the day.