Sota Millenia vs Kuzma Stabi reference vs VPI HRX

I m considering buying one of the above.Pls give me yr opinion regarding the above with the appropriate synergistic tonearm and catridge
First, I would suggest the Cosmos over the Millenia. Then, I have heard the VPI and generally found it to be unimpressive. I have never heard the Kuzma, so I have nothing to offer there. I doubt that a person would be disappointed with tables of this quality, but for me having the Sota, and hearing the VPI did not make me want to sell.
Nrchy. thks for yr feedbk. I was impressed by the review fr DicK Olser of abt the Kuzma reference with Graham 2.2 tonearm. as for the VPI, High-end audio Salvatore seems to rave abt the prototype VPI. Considering Sota for its beauty and vacuum mechanism. anyway what is it abt the sound of VPI u don't like
Dear All those TT's are very good ones and the Sota vacuum mechanism is a plus.
For that kind of money you can do better with an Acoustic Signature Mambo or a Verdier ( second hand ).

Now, I don't know which tonearm/cartridge do you own, this combo in my opinion is even more important that the TT ( what do you own today? TT. why do you want to change it? ) alone and of course the critical phonopreamp that is extremly important too.

Regards and enjot the music.
trailblazers, after listening to a vacuum platter for a number of years I find that tables without it seems to have a looseness around the bottom end that I don't get anymore. The vacuum seems to tighten things up nicely. I use a good clamp in the Sota Reflex Clamp, but I don't know if it's redundant with the vacuum!?!

The Sota seems to me to have more lower midrange and bass solidity.
hi rauliruegas : I did hear verdier platine with morch dp6 and ortofon jubilee. The sound was superb and I was attracted to it. however was concern whether its magnetically levitated platter will give rise to problem in the future. what do u think? presently I have a Gyro SE with SME IV with goldring elite. my phono is fr Trichord Delphini. TQ