What is the lowest LOMC you guys know of???

What cartridge do you guys know of, that has the lowest mv output. Just curious???

A fellow from Vinyl Asylum did some calculations for me and the correct output is 0.075mv. It is still a very LOMC. I'm happy that thngs got staigthen up, I always thought it was 0.015mv.

Does that make sense?? 90 db at 9 oclock. I did more research and come up with 0.067mv output. Well, she sounds beautiful and that's what matters.


Ahhh...so we actually had the same cartridge in mind :)

I own an original SL-15E (aka S-15E), which according to Ortofon's own spec sheet (which I've uploaded here:- http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c147/ze_ant/orts15scan.jpg) has an output of 0.04 mV, which I guess takes the prize here...

I actually have the had the same cartridge
Ze_ant Defenitely this Ortofon SL 15E is not 0.015mv. I was told that I should mutiply that by 5 to get the correct output, which came out to be 0.075mv. So the specs should be correct. 0.04mv, 0.067mv or 0.075mv or there abouts. I find this cart. to be one of my favorite, it matches my JMW9 perfectly. For the price I paid for, how can you go wrong.