I currently have a VPI Scoutmaster and considering an upgrade. To go to the Super Scoutmaster which includes to the best of my knowledge the following: 1. HRX motor assembly, 2. Outer ring and inner clamp 3. SDS controller
Also I would consider the new JMW-9 signature Arm. The total cost of the above would be about $6000.00, about $3500.00 out of pocket to upgrade. Would I be better off
selling my Scoutmaster, take a loss and purchase something
else? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Thanks for the complements. Nothing like hearing it for yourself. The SME 20 was under serious consideration. It lost based on the silliest of reasons. I don't like the way it looks. Mind you, I really wanted multiple tonearms as well. But if SME can redesign the 20 to just look better imagine the sales. The HRX is definitely one of the best looking turntables out there. The ScoutMaster is supposed to be amazing. I not supposed to say whose opinion it is, but many people trust this person. He/she really loves the ScoutMaster & has a strong dislike for the HRX in comparison.
I wonder about Scoutmaster ingenral.Whyb not a Blackknight ordered with better bearing and platter.I know that there are two reason (oposing) in physics with short verus longer arms but since I am not going change VTA every damn LP I play keeping the 9 especially since it can be gotten with better wiring is a nice idea.When I bought my extended Aries Mike the head VPI tech told me that while the VPI can use the flywheel the Aries actaully sounded better without it.Now I see thatanother in the plethora of options they offer is to replace the tall motor (for Aries,Blackknight,Scoumaster(?1?) combines what one assumes is the new 300 rpm with the flywheel.Well at least you can get anti skatingg device which everyone (including Wally of Wally tools who of course says his is better before he had set eyes on the VPI model).Well with over 90,000 tables out there with the VPI moniker on the who can blame then for offering more upgrades.Just rips me that some aren't backward compatible like the ring overpriced as it may be can't fit earlier models which when introduced were "S.O.T.A).I know that I don't Need size of my current rig and have buyer but have to be carefull in which table to go with.Nice to know that you can turn the Scoutmaster into a super without new plinth.But Blackknight can be upgraded till cows come how either with new 9" arm OR by goinmg to 10.6.Just tired of how damn big the exetended is inmy little apt.
From what I learned talking with Mike at VPI.

JMW-9 is shorter, but much more rigid in structure both in arm tube and in arm base. Consequently, it's the best sounding arm in all JMW family BEFORE the Vahalla wire or new Signature upgrade. Why do you think VPI is not re-wiring the JMW-10/12 with Vahalla?

Super Scout uses something that HRX doesn't have, wood base. If you talk with most Clearaudio owner, they will tell you their tables are clear, transparent, and FLAT sounding. Yes, that's the sound of acrylic plinth. On the other hand, Teres are loved by audiophiles around the world because of its wood sound. Super Scout retains the wood base and adds the big motor & power supply, it's a formula that guarantees good sound.

And I have been waiting for my Super Scout with Signature arm for 3 months now...
Hi DGAD, I know what you mean about the SME,the Nottingham Hyperspace you have is gorgeous to look at,and no dought sonics to match...Ive been giving my fishing rig the evil eye after listening to the performance of some of these systems...The VPI HRX needs something...maybe a new type platter, base or feet... something is sucking the music out of it.Its there ,it cant get out. Anyway Im very happy with my Scoutmaster,I dropped off my arm and junction box to my dealer today,Im getting the new 9 and box...delivery...next year.Im a patience man.That will leave the big motor,the second and last upgrade to make it a SuperScout.Good Listening to all