Tonearms for new Linn LP 12

I am getting ready to order a Linn LP12 and due to financial limitations I am considering ordering the TT by itself and adding a Graham Robin Tone arm and upgrading to the Ekos later. Any one have any epereience with the Graham Robin or can you recommend another arm for less than 1000.00?
Dear Theo: Maybe you can find a Moerch DP6/UP4 or a Naim Aro between your budget ( second hand ).

Regards and enjoy the music.
Ultimately I would love an Arro but am concerned buying new. With the fine point of the uni-pivot I would be afraid to buy one receive it and find it damaged. Maybe I should save and by pass the Ekos and get the Aro later. I agree it is the best arm I have sen on the LP12.
Try asking at

Lot's of LP12 users past and present there. Some will no doubt persuade you that the LP12 is not the best table at it's price point, but you're also likely to get some good advice. People there run Linn, Rega, Roksan and many other arms on LP12s.
An Ittok is a great choice for around $500 to $600 used. As with all used tonearms, it is a good idea to by from (or with consultation from) a dealer or someone otherwise reputable and knowledgeable in things analog.
if you want to stay with Linn, you can pick up used LVII's for well under your budget. otherwise you need to go all the way up to the Ekos ($2500!). I would also seriously try to get your hands on a Lingo power supply: HUGE improvement...