Hi everybody
I have searched some infos on the different tonearms you advised me last week, it seems there is an important difference of price between the Morch DP6 12" and the others ( tri planar,shroederer or graham).
The Morch for me in Europa is much less expensive than the others(2000 dollars),the tri planar is 6700 dollars the shroeder Dps is 4000 dollars for example
So does the difference of price worth it between a Moerch DP6 and aTri planar or a shroeder Dps ?
I have searched some infos on the different tonearms you advised me last week, it seems there is an important difference of price between the Morch DP6 12" and the others ( tri planar,shroederer or graham).
The Morch for me in Europa is much less expensive than the others(2000 dollars),the tri planar is 6700 dollars the shroeder Dps is 4000 dollars for example
So does the difference of price worth it between a Moerch DP6 and aTri planar or a shroeder Dps ?