Crazy Downstairs Neighbor

My downstairs neighbor is a lunatic with keen ears for sympathetic floor vibrations. So, I use sonus faber guarneri homage speakers - lovely sound, but not a lot of bass energy. I just bought an Immedia rpm table and arm along with the basic Ear phono stage (modded). My vinyl guru set up the table with a benz glider until I got my Lyra Helikon. Everything about the Lyra is better, except the bass volume and energy, which is proportionately less when compared to the benz glider. (I don't mean extension, which is better with the Helikon). With the benz glider, I discovered that the guarneri's are capable of more bass volume proportionate to the mids and highs than I have found with my Wadia. More bass energy, but not so much as to excite the monster downstairs. So (finally), here is my question. Is there a cartridge that will give me more bass energy than the helikon plus the good stuff the Helikon does well.

Another way to put it: What is a cartridge with proportionately more bass that also does all the other stuff really well?

I thank you (my neighbor probably will not). Jeff
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no bass energy with Helikon??
i used for a long time benz M.09 and when i changed it to Helikon the first thing came up is the energy almost like a CD player has!
Hey Jeff, Good taste in equipment. Have you played with loading the cartridge? I love the Benz because of the warmth but it should not be tons more bass than your Wadia. Both should be accurate with the Wadia being harsher and more foreword in the top end. Have you played a lot with VTA till your soundstage exploded?
There are more choices than this but the cartridge I heard that killed the Benz was the Clavus but I don't know if it will work well on your arm as it has no cantilever.
All Benz cartridges have a FAT bloated mid-bass, lacking in extension down below .