Goin nuts deciding which Scout upgrade

OK, I might have enough cash (1,000.00)to get my Scout upgraded in Feb.,,But going loony trying to decide which upgrade to go with,might be the only upgrade ill be able to do for awhile!Im kinda thinking the Scoutmaster might be the one.My thinking being to build a strong foundation in which all future upgrades will really be able to shine!I would love to hear your thoughts on this!Thanks,Ray
Hi Ray and Rushton, Well put Rushton. Ray dont let this decision your about to make eat away at you.Take your time and think it out,it will come to you.
Great input guys,thanks!I think i am letting this eat at me,,,Rushton,good food for thought! I think that this will answer itself in time if i am patient,please feel free to add to this thread,Thanks again
I think what has happened in my turntable journey, is that the sum of the parts has created a synergy. Each tweak, upgrade, addition has served to enhance the fine properties of the stock table. The Signature tonearm with the Nordost wiring is still breaking in, but I think it's biggest change has been in fleshing out detail in recordings. Folks who are contemplating moving up from the stock Scout need to keep in mind that the S-SM upgrade is about 900.00, the JMW9-9 Sig upgrade adds another 700.00, the addition of the VPI SDS is another 1000.00 (In my case after auditioning both the SDS and the Walker Motor Controller, I went with the Walker at 1500.00). After all is said and done, the Scoutmaster Signature with a motor controller will put your cash outlay at roughly what the cost of an Aries 2 from VPI will cost. Anyone contemplating this should try to log some time listening to both tables to determine their personal preferance. A tough call to be sure given the fact that the tables have the same design philosophy behind them.
Hello Slipknot,As always i value your input!You have a good point about the Aries 2,the reason im going with the Scout upgrades is the fact that i can do it a bit at a time,which works out for me financially.I wouldnt think there would be much of a diff. between the Walker Motor Controller and the VPI SDS,but you were able to audition both ,and heard an improvement with the Walker,and felt the extra 500.00 was worth it,and thats good enough for me!Im sure in a couple years time ill have most of the upgrades done,and be a very happy camper,man ,id love to hear your system one day!Ray