I'm New To Vinyl - Which Turntable Should I Buy?

My system consists of a pair of Krell 450 Mcx mono amps, Krell HTS 7.1 pre-pro, Piega P10 loudspeakers with MIT cableing and Mark Levinson No.39 cdp. The room is a large 20'x20' family room with 2 story ceiling. My music preference is jazz, accoustic, classical and vocals.

I want to get into vinyl and get a used turntable to try this end of the hobby. I'm not sure if the $2000 range can get me started with something decent including a tone arm and cartridge.

I'm open to any and all suggestions. Thank you.
I got into vinyl a few months ago and I started with a Nottingham Horizon with a Dynavector 10x5 cartridge and a Whest phono stage. I had owned some very nice digital front ends like you do and I was blown away by how good this combo was, surpassing the sound of any digital rig I had owned. Good thing about the Nottingham is that it is relatively easy to setup and use. I have since upgraded to the upper line Nottingham, but for the money the Horizon would be hard to beat I think.

One thing to keep in mind is that you will need a record cleaning machine and cleaning products. You will want to budget around 500 for that.
You can start cheaper with a Music Hall MMF-5 which comes complete and isn't at all shabby. That you really can't beat for the price about $500- on Agon. If you really have $2,000 to burn get a VPI scout second hand assuming as Ejlif said you have money for the cleaning machine and also you already have a phono stage.
Don't be discouraged by the Record Cleraning Machine cost. You can get a perfectly good one from Audio Advisor for $239. Whether or not you get into vinyl, it sounds like you have a problematic room with those dimensions and might want to look into room treatments as well. Good luck, Dave