BTW-Cello,if you are following this.I lost your E-mail address,so have not contacted you,other than phone,and I do realise you are a busy guy,and maybe not a "phone guy".Sorry!I wanted to buy the "guitar/singer" who's album you played,but the web-site you gave me isn't available,to me.That being said,I do get the impression,sadly, of us kind of losing touch,as I did make attempts to stay in touch.I did call you recently,but am not going to second guess any lack of return calls,based on my last attempts,and don't want to get too analytical.Hope none of my post stuff was the culprit,and you seemed way above that,anyway(though the timing of my "dumb period" was not too good),as I do believe I made it my business to be nothing but complementary, of you personally.Always!!So,I will let all this go,with this post,but do admit to being somewhat surprised(mainly because you were a nice host,and a good dude overall)!!.Hope all is well!