Best "P" mount cartridge?

Before the laughter sets in, I have to explain that I have the luxury of having two separate two-channel systems in one dedicated listening room in the basement of my home. Each has an analog front end; one being a Pink Triangle/Scorpio/Dynavecto Karat set-up, the other is an '80s circa Technics SL-QL1, direct drive, linear tracking table. The latter takes "P" mount cartridges. It has also been totally modified by an individual who is no doubt known to many of you, and who uses similar tables on his elaborate systems, which include $100,000+ speakers. I am trying to poll all of you with any "P" mount experience, as to which of those cartridges you felt was the best. These little Technics are so far and away superior sounding than anything you can buy for under $15,000 to $20,000, that only hearing them would convince you to take me seriously. Admittedly, although they can be had for under $100 via the internet, and under $25 at yard sales, they do need some toying with to bring out their optimum capabilities.
In any event, I would greatly appreciate your input as to the question at hand. Right now, that is the only factor keeping my unit from maximum performance. Thanks for your patience, as well as your opinions.
I like the Ortofon TM20. It sounds well balanced and neutral. It doesn't exaggerate surface noise. I have it mounted to a Technics SL10 and prefer it to the original moving coil cartride (too lean and peaky) or the Shure (a bit dull). It works equally well with the Phonomena phono amp or the Tube phono in my VAC preamp. My main listening is 60's jazz and 70's Rock.
I'm using an Ortofon 320 (the P mount version of OM20) in my Technics SL10. Mid range much more palpable and highs smoother than Grado Prestige Blue it replaced. Bass possibly a bit better. Running track force about 1.6 GM which is also when the pointer and mark line up on adjustment gizmo. Overall sound of this system for me is so-so compared to better modern tables. Would be interested to know more details of modding you mention as this auto-turntable has sentimental value. Best wihes, Mike.
Cheapmike, the greatest improvement in sound I've achieved with my SL10 was changing what it sat on. The rack it sits on is a deluxe Room Tunes rack which has shelves that are around an inch thick with brass spikes on the bottom and sitting on a concrete floor. This is a solid stable platform, but here is what made the huge difference. A Townsend Seismic sink for it to sit on (an improvement), then add three 1 1/2 inch aluminum spikes with brass cups under the Seismic sink which results in a major improvement (wow), like twice as good as before. For a couple hundred bucks it is money well spent.
Rhljazz: Oddly enough this simple thing I have never tried! Will try various stuff before going whole hog for the Seismic Sink. Earlier today picked up a used Quicksilver Audio phono pre to replace the one in my integrated amp. Will tube-roll with non-NOS, and maybe the easier capacitors. Will report back in a week or two on results of both. Thanks for the advice, Mike
There WAS a V15LT P-mount version of the V15. I had one in my Technics SL7. Sounded good . .