Maple platforms


I was wondering if anyone has used maple platforms under their turntable and if so what were the results. An exmple of the platforms I'm refering to can be seen at:

My rack is MDF so I'm wondering if puting something harder between it and the turntable will improve sound. In other words, does the mdf have a damping affect on the turntable--in this case a Rega 3?

In my case (VPI Scout/Garrott Optim FGS) the maple platform absolutely improves the sound greatly over the sound I hear with the table sitting on MDF. I consider the maple platform a necessity it sounds so much better. Richer & more organic sound, better frequency extension (particularly the bass,) better retrieval of ambience information.
Be cautious about using absorbent materials. A combination of VSE Tri-Orbs, 4" Mapleshade shelves and (cork and rubber) Isoblocks under very high end digital gear proved to be much less effective than another, simpler solution.
Moving from an MDF-based rack to the Mapleshade Samson 2 made a HUGE improvement in the overall system sound - and most especially with the Aries. This was money exceedingly well spent.

Slightly off topic - I am presently having a pair of custom amp platforms being made. Dimensions will be 18" X 20" X 4". The stands will be made of lyptus, a denser wood than maple. It will be interesting to note the differences between these and a similar sized maple platform (which I'll be borrowing for comparison).
My rack also has MDF shelves. As an experiment, I bought a 3x20x20 maple block from Tonys Woodshop ( and a set of the 99lb Mapleshade Isoblocks to go under my Teres 255. At approx. $125 total cost, this is easily the biggest bang for the buck tweak I've made to my system. I'll heartily encourage trying it. Sonic improvements include a general lowering of the noise floor cashed out as blacker backgrounds, slightly better instrument focus, less lower frequency transient smearing, and most surprising to me, the soundstage lifted several feet.

Denser woods may very well give further improvements. The higher-end Teres models all gain mass via denser cocobolo or rosewood. I'd try the maple under your table first to learn if pricier solution is worth the additional expense. If so, you can always use the maple for an amp or a cutting board.

Has anyone tried Brazilian Pernambuco or American Ironwood? They are both used to make the best bows for string instruments.