Bolero:why can't my system reproduce snare well?

For those of you who don't follow my posts religiously, I recently purchased a pair of Martin Logan SL3's. I love them; they especially excel with voices. However, last night, I was listening to Bolero, and the snare sounded terrible. It sounded muffled and faint. I adjusted the settings, and nothing helped. I am using a MC275 and c2300, so I assume the problem is with the speakers. Any suggestions, ideas? Thank you in advance.
I do have that recording on a "Great Performances" reissue. I have
several LPs from the CBS Great Performances series and have always been
satisfied with the sound quality and mastering. I just played it, paying particular
attention to overall instrumental balance and tone and clarity of the snare drum
in particular. On this pressing I found the the snare drum to sound exemplary for
classical concert snare--clean, full-bodied, dry (i.e., no discernible shell ringing),
with good body and tonal balance. It primarily emanates from the right channel.
I've played drums for 50 years and have played a myriad of snare drums
including a few professional orchestral snares, and the sound on this recording
is right on the money, and easy to hear on my pressing on my system.

Since the snare sound primarily comes from one channel, you may want to check
the L-R balance to make sure your channels are balanced. Also, good
reproduction of snare drum relies on phase coherence. I listen through
Magneplanar 1.7s, and while they're pretty inexpensive in this crowd, they *are*
phase-coherent, devoid of cabinet noise and resonances, and have excellent
transient response throughout the frequency range. Since your speakers combine
a dynamic woofer for the fundamentals with dipole panels for the overtones of a
snare drum, it could be speaker location relative to the room that is causing
some sort of null in your listening position.

You already mentioned you got some improvement with some cable changes.
Might I suggest you try some Transparent cabling? Their little black boxes seem
to help keep phase relationships and tonal balance where it belongs. I've heard
Transparent cabling in some delicately picky high end setups, always with good
results. I'm talking Wilson Alexandria XL/Alexia/Sasha spkrs, D'Agostino/Audio
Research/VTL electronics, and SME/DPS+Lyra turntable setups.
Elegal - did you listen to this track with your other speakers and find the snare muffled by comparison with the MLs, or is this just with regard to the MLs alone and not in comparison to other speakers? This is a critical question that has been asked before but as far as I can see has not been answered.
My supposition is that your new speakers are giving you a new level of clarity and resolution. Now you are hearing things in the chain from recording to sound waves not heard before. I too have a Sota Sapphire. Reference my system page. Try this experiment if you are so inclined: Get some pieces of rubber or dense foam rubber and wedge them between the wood chassis and sub-chassis thereby fixing the suspended sub-chassis in place. You can place the rubber or foam in the gap around the bottom of the turntable. Check that the platter remains level and you will need to readjust your speed. (Make sure the suspension is not bottomed or topped out.) What is happening here is that you are fixing the distance between the motor pulley and platter spindle. Now the speed of the platter will be more consistent. Isolation of the platter will not be quite as good now; but this is a temporary set-up. Play Bolero now and see what you think.
This kind of reminds me of when one of the UASF bands was on tour & I attended the concert. Twice I had the opportunity. The last time I was seated a bit farther away in an old refurbushed multilevel theater. Some of the HF I expected to be a bit brighter... but realized that SPL follows the inverse square law. Double the distance & SPL drops by 75%.

Looking at the charts in previous posts shows not much output over 700Hz. Not sure if that's entirely the case...