New Cartridge choice

I know its an old question and one thats impossible to answer, as cartridge choice is so personal, but a bit of guidance would be appreciated. I use an Origin Live illustrious/ Resolution table, currently with a Koetsu Rosewood Signature. I am about to take delivery of a K&K audio phonostage, so I will let that bed in first.
Its hard to usefully audition cartridges and almost impossible to do A/B comparisons. I will almost certainly be buying 2nd user which makes it harder still. I know 2nd hand is risky with cartridges, but I have always done that and had no problems to date.
I listen to classical, opera, Solo Singers, Blues. I find the Koetsu is a great sound, but lacks detail and can sound muddled in complex passages.
My thoughts to date: Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum
Shelter 90X
ZYX Airey 2 or 3
I am sure you may have better ideas. One problem is that none of these cartridges appear commonly on E-Bay or Audiogon.
Your thoughts would be appreciated
I love the VDH Colibri, but had reliability problems and other issues. I previously owned Koetsu Rosewood signature (too warm and not open or resolving enough for my tastes), Benz Ruby, Clearaudio Accurate, Lyra Titan, etc. Really liked the Titan, but my new reference is the Dynavector XV1S which is overall the best cartridge I have owned. I am currently running the Dynavector with the SME 20/2 and Triplanar VII. I have heard many good things about the lower Dynavectors as well.
I would just comment that Platinum Koetsu's are significantly different animals than the non-platinum (and less expensive) ones. The main difference is that (properly set up on the correct arm) the platinums perform much better at the frequency extremes than their non-platinum siblings. One pays dearly for this improvement in both cost of the cartridge (the more you pay, the better they get) and in the quality of the phonoamp required to cope with the lower cartridge output.

I have been able to compare on my own SME 20/2a the Koetsu Black, Rosewood Signature, RSP and now own a Platinum Onyx. There is a significant improvement at every step and at each step there is no going back. My Onyx is wonderful but lists at $7.5k!

There is a good recent discussion of Koetsu alternatives here:

My first hand knowledge is mainly with Koetsu's but I, too, am curious about the alternatives.
I purchased a VdH MC One Special for my father's rig, and it sounds truly wonderful. With crisp resolution and a ridiculous sound stage (both depth and width), I think it's a great option.

(And it won't break the bank)

Cheers, and good luck.