Schroeder model 2 or Morch DP6?

Has anyone out there listened to both of these tonearms? Or even better, have you listened to them in the same system? Dougdeacon, if you are out there, I am betting you have heard them both in your "shootout". I am interested in the sonic differences in the 2 arms. I know the Schroeder 2 sells for about $2200-$2300 new, but how much does the DP6 sell for new?
Rwd, I can't speak for the NY area, but there's a dealer in the Wash DC suburbs who can let you see and hear the Moerch DP-6. Deja Vu Audio has had a 12" DP-6 set up on a Platine Verdier for several years. The store also has a lot of experience in selling and setting up vinyl gear. I have no connection to Deja Vu other than being a satisfied customer.

I am using a DP-6 with 12" Red wand, and I also have a VPI JMW 10 that I can set up on the same table. Both arms sound very good but they have different characters. The VPI (a fairly early version) has a rich warm sound, the Moerch is somewhat lighter and more nimble. The Moerch is to my ears more neutral. Both have excellent detail and dynamics.


The US importer for both Morch and Schroder is Audio Advancements. They're in NJ. I don't know if they have any arms set up but you can contact them through their website,

The TriPlanar website lists dealers and has contact info if there's no dealer in your area,

FWIW we bought our TriPlanar VII (unheard) after auditioning the Schroder Reference. That was a leap of faith but it worked out well, at least for our tastes and priorities.
Dave and Doug, thank you so much for your quick response! I will certinly check out the Morch. Doug, you said you heard the Schroder Reference and purchased the Planar. What was is you didn't like about the Schroder?
Also, what feature's do you like on the Planer. Does it allow for on the fly VTA as does the VPI?
Interesting comment you made Dave about the VPI 10. I have a VPI 10.5 and though I would hear a big difference with a Schroder/TriPlanar/Morch, but your comments made it seem that there were differences between the arms but not a major difference. Very interesting!!!

I was also hoping someone in the NYC/NJ area that purchased either of the arms above saw this thread and invited me to a listen. If would be really great if I was able to locate 2-3 'goner's in the area with these arms and set up a NYC shoot-out. Seems like all the shoot-out's with these great arms are in Minnisota or Ohio or ?????
Rwd, I don't want to leave you with the wrong impression. I didn't say there aren't major differences between the VPI and Moerch---there are. But they are both good sounding tonearms.

BTW I notice that you are using a Benz M0.9. I am using a Benz L2 in the Moerch presently, and I have had a Glider M2 and Denon 103R in both the VPI and Moerch during the last year or so. The Benz carts work very well in both arms.

Rwd (and Doug),

Hudson Audio are the current Morch distributor, and they also offer Schroder arms on their site--not sure if they're also the Schroder importer.

I believe they, too, are in NJ.

I'm thinking about the same two arms, for my Teres 160.
