Hi, I have the Io Sig w/VC and 2 supplies. I live in a very RF rich environment near a hospital. On one occassion when trying different ICs I did discover some RF bleed through.No hum with the IO or subsequent RF problems.
Your IC's must be very well shielded and you must exhaustively experiment with dressing the leads and positioning with equipment and try different brands.While not the best, Musical fidelity make a type with RF ferrite clamps on the cable...it may be worth a try to see the result. In the past when I had a Counterpoint head amp this problem would drive me crazy.
Fourtunately the Counterpoint weighed in at about 5lbs so you could wave it in the air and find a good position. Hard to do with the Io.
Also make sure your connectors are scrupuously clean. Any oxidation and the connectors will act as diodes in a cyrstal radio singing through your system.I like the Caig products here not comfortable using any of the silver based contact enhancers as they can be difficult to clean out of the connectors if it does not work out.
I doubt that your electrical system is properly grounded if you had to add new grounded receptcles to replace 2 prong ones. If you have armoured cable or conduit(maybe in NYC) then the outer sheild/conduit may be acting as a poor ground back to the main panel. Get a electrician to seen if you have a "separate" ground wire back to the panel and properly bonded to the neutral at the box. Old vinyl gave good advice on disconnecting and swapping Ic's to discover if the problem is the Io or the amp for hum... working from the source forward to determine the possible cause...don't ignore the dressing of your tonearm cable.
This is exhausting and thankless work but it can be done..goodluck!
Your IC's must be very well shielded and you must exhaustively experiment with dressing the leads and positioning with equipment and try different brands.While not the best, Musical fidelity make a type with RF ferrite clamps on the cable...it may be worth a try to see the result. In the past when I had a Counterpoint head amp this problem would drive me crazy.
Fourtunately the Counterpoint weighed in at about 5lbs so you could wave it in the air and find a good position. Hard to do with the Io.
Also make sure your connectors are scrupuously clean. Any oxidation and the connectors will act as diodes in a cyrstal radio singing through your system.I like the Caig products here not comfortable using any of the silver based contact enhancers as they can be difficult to clean out of the connectors if it does not work out.
I doubt that your electrical system is properly grounded if you had to add new grounded receptcles to replace 2 prong ones. If you have armoured cable or conduit(maybe in NYC) then the outer sheild/conduit may be acting as a poor ground back to the main panel. Get a electrician to seen if you have a "separate" ground wire back to the panel and properly bonded to the neutral at the box. Old vinyl gave good advice on disconnecting and swapping Ic's to discover if the problem is the Io or the amp for hum... working from the source forward to determine the possible cause...don't ignore the dressing of your tonearm cable.
This is exhausting and thankless work but it can be done..goodluck!