Funny vinyl story

Woke up to find that my Paypal account had been credited $5.00--I had purchased a NM copy of a favorite Stravinsky Opera, Oedipus Rex, on Ebay and was surprised that the deal had fallen through. Then I read the message accompanying the refund: " Sorry, just got out of jail. My wife destroyed all my records." Talk about WAF issues!
Or, he found someone to give him more money for the record and needed an excuse for not honoring your deal.
How about a Twilight Zone remake?

My wife lied so I went to jail. Then all my records fell over and destroyed my wife!
Funny, but what's the real reason? Did he sell to a someone else who offered more after the bidding was closed? Sounds like a flake.
Yeah.... I have an allergy to alcohol... everytime I drink I break out in handcuffs.