Cartridge Break-In

Installed new cartridge and was just wondering about break-in techniques. Manufacturer recommends 50 hrs of playing time to presumably work in the suspension components. Obviously, playing a record would work best, but would simply placing the tonearm/cartridge on a non-spinning record and leaving it there also contribute to break-in? I'm thinking it really wouldn't be as effective since the suspension has only been displaced, but is not kept in motion the way playing a record would cause. Here's where it get strange, suppose I placed my turntable (a non-suspension design) on top of my subwoofer and played some bass oriented music thru my CD player? I could play with the volume level to control the amount of acoustic transfer from the sub to the turntable/arm/cartridge and thereby "excite" the cartridge into some sort of, hopefully controlled, motion. Alternatively, I could place the turntable directly in front of my woofers and play music at a high volume from a digital source. Would any of these "techniques" even roughly accomplish what playing a record does as far as cartridge break-in goes?

Just speculating on a hypothesis.
Doug, you're quite right, none of this applies to stepup transformers. Just to confirm you findings (somewhat), if you take the 25x factor and apply the +/_ 50% range, it would come out 12.5x to 37.5x, which is another way of calculating the range. Add the extremes together and divide by 2 to get the mid-point.
Hi Doug, got the Zyx UNIverse and you are right. It sounds very impressing right out of the box. I "cheated" a little bit with the "burn in" time, I did use the AT 637 for some time, but I think, it will increase performance.
Anyway, I listened to quite a lot of Cartridges ( Benz, Koetsu up to 11.000 $, Clearaudio, Allaerts and a few others - most with a Klyne 7 Phono Stage - and I know, that taste is different, but this one will chase all these down the block and back again. It shows, what Benz, Koetsu's, Clearaudio etc. really are: Overhyped, overpriced and more or less average. And compared to others, this one is reliable, had one some years, never a problem.
Found out on another forum the correct loading for a Ruby 3 is 22K. Night and day-analog magic to be sure. I do wish Benz made this information available. I am not sure why reviewers found this cartridge so outstanding without the correct loading. 47K was horrendous in a system with extended high frequency response and 1K dull and muddy. It is one of the finest I have heard correctly loaded except no one would know that most running at 1 or 47K.
I have the Cardas record and have used the concentric grooves on new MC cartridges from time to time, but I still don't understand this idea of having to get to the finish line right away. Maybe I've just been lucky with the brands I've purchased over the years but I have never had the experience of not enjoying a new cartridge right out of the box. How is it possible that the cart sounds so awful in the first 100 hours? I have never experienced that quality, perhaps a bit light in the bass or tipped up on top but never screechy or etched if properly set up. I guess I just take a very different view of the fun of owning and enjoying the process of break in. If there are some records that don't sound perfect in the beginning of a new cartridge's life, I simply choose records that will compensate for the qualities that are slightly amiss. Need more bass? Then put on something with great low end like a Squarepusher or Underworld record and let those highly modulated grooves heat things up and really give the stylus and suspension a workout. Need less tipped up on top? Then put on some Jethro Tull. No, I'm not to going to listen to Martha Argerich play Rach 3 at the get go. But after 50 hours or so, well, heck yeah.

You guys with your needs for instant gratification, settle down!
One technique that works very well when breaking in cartridges, especially those with the latest temperature and moisture resistant polymers every manufacturer seems to use now for the supensions, is to slightly 'over-deflect' or 'over-stretch' the polymer for the first 50 hours or so. I know this sounds scary, but it won't hurt the cartridge and only requires just a slight amount.

Basically, for the first 50 hours, you want to apply a VTF that is like a quarter of a gram ABOVE the maximum tracking force recommended by the cartridge maker. Doing this will temper/condition/stretch (whatever term you like) the elastomer suspension material just a bit BEYOND the highest VTF you will ultimately use -- insuring that if you track your MC cartridge at the upper limit of the manufacturer's suggested range (as many of us do) that the polymer suspension will be fully 'conditioned' just PAST that tracking force, rather than at the 'cusp' of its break-in conditioning.