MC transformers - what do they sound like?

Besides providing gain, are good quality MC transformers transparent to the signal they are providing the gain to. Or do they give added/reduced bass weight, more high end sparkle, added grain or what?.
This is obviously compared to active gain
It seems that audiophiles either luv or hate MC transformers?.
This is a very interesting thread. David12, you are right on the money. While for certain goals or design criteria, a certain design approach (step up vs gain) may be superior, its highly unlikely that any individual design does not involve compromise. Picking one design approach vs another is the easy part, based on your design criteria; effective implementation is the hard part if cost is a factor. I am looking forward to continued discussion on this, but mostly, I would love to hear a demonstration. One additional thought or question I would throw in the mix is this- are there certain upstream or downstream choices that affect the step up vs gain stage decision, all other factors being equal? I have no idea and look forward to comments from others.
>> I am looking forward to continued discussion on this, but mostly, I would love to hear a demonstration.

Open invitation to one and all! Hear it live! Bent Audio Mu's vs. one "no holds barred" FET gain stage.

Of course I defer to Thom's experience with better SUT's. If he'll ship me one we'll include them in the shootout and report. ;-)

I've also heard Frank Schroeder's unobtanium SUT's. They were certainly very good, but some other parts of the system were insufficiently transparent for me to note specific differences between them and the Bents.

>> ... are there certain upstream or downstream choices that affect the step up vs gain stage decision, all other factors being equal?

Great question. One thing that comes to mind is frequently balance. If a system or room happens to be tilted up or down at either end, it might be possible to compensate with SUT's by adjusting reflected impedance. I would never recommend such a "band-aid" approach, but it might work for someone who doesn't have the time, interest or resources to solve the problem directly.
I was not thinking so much of an attempt to compensate, rather a better interaction btwn either an SUT or a gain stage with a certain kind of cartridge or line stage, or amplifier. Just a question, I have no idea if that is true or if any generalizations can be made.
Hi Doug,

Hop onto Dave Slagle's forum at Intact and join the frey.

Likely you can get into the evaluation loop as these are being developed.

The forum category is near the top - "MC Step-ups". Note that in order to view any attached photos or graphs, you need to establish a logon. The text of the posts is there for all to see however.

This thread ought to whet your appetite:

Once again ... the dislaimer: NO COMMERCIAL INTEREST, YMMV, etc. etc.

Thom @ Galibier
David12. I have looked at the K&K p[hono stage. Does it have nice tube warmth?
In M Fremer's colum last mnth he reviewed the art audio ref1, which is based on the K&K. he commented on overloading and distortion when using a .5mv lyra titan. This does not sound right. have you have any of these issues?

cheers Shane