SME Model 10 How much should I spend on speakers?

I know this sounds like a speaker question but I wanted the Analog types to answer it.

Currently I have Revel M20s and a Revel B15 sub for speakers. I just got a new PS Audio phono preamp GCPH, this is to hold me back from trying to get a Manley Steelhead phono preamp for a year or so. AMP is a Sony N90ES which is a SS MOSFET amp, with XLR inputs and build quality is amazing. Turntable is pro-ject debut III which was bought to allow me to listen to my records while I search for a great turntable.

I think my speakers are pretty nice considering I use a pro-ject debut III as a source. I guess I am wondering if I do spring for a SME Model 10 should I be using a 10-15,000 dollar speaker? Would it be odd to see a SME Model 10 with Revel M20s and a B15 as speakers? I'm still pretty young and move apartments approx every year and I don't know if I should get floor standing speakers yet.

I pretty much listen to vinyl only now if I have the choice. Right now I listen to a lot of stuff from indie stuff. Sufjan Stevens, Clap Your Hands Say Year, The Postal Service, Her Space Holiday, Sleater-Kinney. I also love Bob Dylan and my favorite is female vocalists. So I want everything to sound amazing I would pick female vocalists or vocalists in general to sound the best.

Ok I've written too much. So should I keep my turntable and get some floor standing Revels Studios or Marten Design Miles III or Sonus Faber Cremona or Von Schweikert VR 5.

Or Keep my Revel M20/B15 combo and get a SME Model 10 or VPI super scoutmaster or Nordic Concept Reference.

Thanks for reading if you got this far.
Well then should I get a SolidState AMP if I am going to get a tube preamp?

Russ - Many people advocate that strategy, however, you can get both the traditional perceived "tube sound", high power, and/or a highly detailed sound from different tube equipment manufacturers. Just ensure that the equipment is compatible with each other (e.g., direct-coupled or not) if you mix manufacturers.

Also, some solidstate equipment is not as edgy/over- detailed/electronic-sounding as anti-SS people would have you believe.

You're doing your homework which is great! You can look up my system and see which way I went, but I'd be the first to admit that it was an evolution and didn't happen all at once. If I made a change in my system I'd probably go for additional tube equipment but I'm fortunate in that my SS integrated amp (Plinius 9200) has much of the sonic organic quality that good tube equipment has.

If you are moving locations nearly every year, then my advice is not to invest too heavily in your system unless you're willing to redo it every time you move. Once your system starts getting into the high resolution arena room acoustics start to dominate. So in any given year you may be living in a great sounding room or a real crappy one. The higher the resolution of your system, the more you'll notice the room either for the better or worse. So if you go out and get the SME, match it with a great cartridge, add the Steelhead and top it off with some really good sounding $10k speaker and set it up so it sounds tremendous, who knows, a year from now it could sound like crap because of the room you've move to. You have a very nice system now. Go slow until you settle down.

BTW, the Sony amp is a very good quality amp that should mate quite well with the Revels. It's definitely not the weak link in your system.
Speakers should suit the room, so if you're going to get big speakers and put them into a small room, you'll have more problems after that.
I should have added that because you are a vinyl guy, you should first invest in a decent record cleaning machine if you do not own one (e.g., Nitty Gritty or VPI).