List or discuss your favorite music

List your favorite music recordings, and why you love them. Sonic excellence, musical and emotional content, or maybe just fun and memories.
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Carl, your a man after my own taste! That goes for Sarah, Jennifer Warnes, and Meg Ryan all three. I could hear two great voices and just looking at Meg Ryan is music enough! If you find a source of Mirrorball it would be wonderful. And, yes, I do have "Surfacing" on Classic Records, in fact I ordered a second copy today.
PJ Harvey: "Rid Of Me." Gut wrenching alterno blues-rock. Well recorded, great dynamics, songs from a woman done wrong! Much Much better than the "To Bring Me Your Love" let-down album that won all the awards. There is definately something to be said about singer/songwriters. I love Ella as much as the next guy, but knowing that Cole Porter was a part of her best puts me off a little. Her "Mac the Knife" is great, but I can't imagine in threatening poses brandishing sharp objects. She does do a great Louis Armstrong though. If you are looking for raw human honesty, "Rid of Me" is up your alley. I have also been impressed with recordings from the label "MA"... all audiophile 2 channel with acoustic space in mind. There was an interview with Art Garfinkle in Stereophile last year. MA also put out "Alternasia" the Gamelon stuff from Jon Iverson. Really Really good stuff. It's East meets West; islands of Java meets the good ol' US of A.
Not "Surfacing", "Fumbling Towards Ecstacy". Meg Ryan is good, but with Sarah you'd have it all. For looks only, I'd go with one with less years, like Jennifer Grant.
I've been following this thread with much interest and was pleased (and surprised) to see Eldragon (above), obviously both an LP and CD user, have enough cahones (balls) to actually state that SOMETIMES CD actually does sound better than LP. Some LP users are so zealous that they can't see this. Well done digital can be very good, and it's what I've chosen as my music format, but I certainly respect people that have chosen other formats if they're open minded and courteous about it, ie I KNOW that well done LPs played on a good system can be excellent. So... thanks Eldragon. (and sorry about the "soapbox" statement, but I've been roasted about LP vs CD in other threads). Craig
...I should have also noted that Drumsgreg and Carl are also in both the the LP/CD camp and don't mind saying so. I swear to gawd I'm not trying to stir up an old controversy. I'm just wanting to say thanks to a all who can embrace more than one music format. Thanks, and I'll shut up. Craig.