Which cartridge is the Imaging/soundstaging champ

Hello all:
I'm a new participant in these forums, though I've read virtually every post for the last 18 months. I'm a new owner of a Scoutmaster/JMW 9.
I got a Grado Statement Sonata as a starter cartridge(also using the VPI 3 gm headshell weight), and feel like I've gotten it set up pretty wel(VTA/VTF/SRA seem as good as I can get them). I have a nice high resolution system but can't seem to create an outrageously terriffic soundstage with pinpoint imaging like my digital front end can. I really can only listen to SOTA digital recordings at this point as my analog front end is just so superior overall. I do miss the excellent imaging and stage specificity though. I'm using the Cardas Neutral Reference phono cable into my EAR 864 preamp (with wonderful Mullard NOS tubes).
I feel the Grado is the culprit. What do you think? Which cartridge in the $750-$1500 range would be the imaging champ?
Thanks for your help.
What kind of music do you mostly listen to? In what areas is your system deficient? Not enough bass? Highs not there? You mention soundstage, play around with the posistioning of your speakers. Moving Coil or Moving magnet? There are alot of variables that really make this question variable.
In a different vein, I noticed when I upgraded from the JMW9 tonearm to the JMW9 Signature on my Scoutmaster, that the stability of the imaging, the width and depth of soundstage and the weight and substance of instruments and vocals improved significantly -- it was an obvious difference that was immediately noticeable. It was one of the best $700 upgrades (if not THE best $700 upgrade) I have ever invested in. You may want to consider that upgrade as well as experimenting with cartridges.

Have fun exploring!