Best Turntable: Acoustic-Signature, Amazon Refere

Best Turntable: Acoustic-Signature, Amazon Referenz, Galibier Design, Sota Millenia

Please offer your experience with the sound quality and character of the following tables:

· Acoustic-Signature Mambo
· Amazon Referenz
· Galibier Design Gavia or Stelvio
· Sota Millennia

I am most interested in the performance with a Schroeder Tonearm. Please advise what arm and cartridge you listened to. Please also advise what turntable that you compared and liked better, and what was better about it.


Well, if you've got something in the area of $60,000 to spend, some might say it's the Walker Audio Proscenium Gold Signature turntable system.

Hi Darkmoebius,

Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't have $60,000 to spend for my entire system. I do believe at least one of these tables is capable of the perfomance of the Walker. I am hoping to hear for the experience of the Audiogon members who may have been luck enough to hear some of these tables (and a Walker).

Best regards,

Hi DuffyDawg,

I was actually joking, knowing that the Walker is no real-world option for most of us mortals.

I seriously considered Acoustic Signature TT's last year before buying my Scheu. At first I was interested in The Final Tool due to reviews and owner praise, but it just so happened that a Canadian dealer was dropping the line and blowing out their remaing stock at 1/2 price. So, that meant I could get the Mambo for the same price as retail Tool - tempting?

Just my luck, the dealer had both tables listed here on Audiogon for almost 2 months, the day I decided to finally buy - the Final Tool had been sold an hour before. I shot an email off to a reviewer who had tried the entire line for his input on the Mambo and by the time I called the dealer the next day, the Mambo was gone, too.

So ended my dream for an Acoustic Signature......
Dan_ed, I went with the Teflon/alu platter with the new(TPI) graphite interface. My Gavia is simply more musical than others I have heard. I was concerned about over-damping with the high mass design. Not an issue at all. The table digs deep and lets me hear every detail without fatigue. High degree of emotional involvement.
The best part is that Thom says that I have only reached 3 on a 5 scale. The Schroeder is suppose to get me the rest of the way home. I will let you know. So far Thom has been right on the mark with all his predictions.
FWIW Thom is comming out with a new model which I believe will retail around 2500. At that price his new model may be a giant killer. Also, I should mention that I have no connection with Galibier except as a very satisfied customer.
Among those listed, the Galibier appears to be a good design and sounds good. I haven't heard the Acoustic Signature or Amazon much so don't have an opinion. The big SME tables are very good, as is the Walker. I'd heartily recommend the 'tables and arms (not listed) I sell over any of the above, but that wouldn't be cool :-)