List or discuss your favorite music

List your favorite music recordings, and why you love them. Sonic excellence, musical and emotional content, or maybe just fun and memories.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xalbertporter
albert........... sonic excellence is a small part of the musical enjoyment we seek as you know. its nice when tghe recording team was paying attention sukch as on the planets by zubin and the LA phil. dworth seeking out on vinyl, avail paired with some wagbme and john williams on cd. one item i suggest is worth looking for is "osamu" by osamu. japanese fusion describes the style as closely as i can come. i had this disc for years before reading the personnel list. there is a female voclaising on one of the cuts that goes into the stratosphers. it turns out to bed minnie ripperton. osamu has been classified as new age, and he has since sadly fallen down that path (you cant blame a guy for making a living) but this music defied classification and still doesnt fall into new age. there other sounds on this disc which you should be able to identify; they werent made with musical instruments but they fit in with the music. happy
Tommy, your right, sometime you get the music, the sonic excellence and a chance to experience unique music all at the same time. It's nice when that happens. I love reading about all this material, I have begun to search for some of it, simply based on comments from Audiogon postings.
BIbloom, thanks I`ll check those out , I really like these guys alot, its to bad I didn`t catch them sooner. Greg