Can I build an Linn LP-12 piece by piece?

With all the separate parts for an LP12 available on eBay,plinth,armboard,arm etc. I was wondering if it would be feasible to build a Frankenstein version. With time and Patience and of course some cash I bet it could be done at a substantial savings. What parts do you think would be the hardest to locate? Any suggestions or input would be appreciated.
Considering all the time and expense that would go into acquiring all the parts it might be easier to just buy a used LP12.
No suggestions, but sure why not. Would be easier to buy one, but it sounds like a fun project.

An Uncle a long time ago spent years building a Chevy Corvette for next to nothing, just using what he found left over at the local salvage yard. The hardest thing to find was a good condition fiberglass body of the time. He could have bought a used one, but had fun doing it his way. The local teenagers who were into cars look at him like he was a god. It probably drove my Aunt crazy, but he did actually finish it.

There is a guy somewhere who bought out all of the left over DeLorean Motor Company parts. He sells them to mostly to people repairing them, but he has indicated that there are enough parts to build dozens of complete cars. Now that's a project !!
I have a friend that once built a replica of the Brooklyn bridge from pirated parts from the original. The bridge built in the same scale as the one in NY harbor. Now the only problem is, no one can cross the East River to get over to the other side. NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL A REAL HOBBY.