What cartridge?? Lyra, Dyno etc...

I need/want a new cartridge to go into my SME Model 20A record player. I currently have a four year old next month Lyra Helikon. Not a bad cart but fancy a change. What are the views of fellow audiophiles??
Which carts work well with my record player, I've heard that Lyra and Dyno's work well, any others???

Front end: SME Model 20A/Lyra Helikon/Ayre phono cable XLR/Symposium Ultra Platform
Sony SCD-555es with VSE level 5 mods Balanced
Preamp: Ayre Acoustics K1-xe with phono boards
Speakers: ATC active 20 towers
Cables by Clearer audio
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Sorry Dan,I jumped the gun!My pals warn me to shut up,as they are NOW reloading and considering a mass WINDS guage purchase,for all of us.Well the little one we both see on Audiogon still looks like a good buy!

Ngarsh,you are clearly moving towards the HP school of cliffhangers!!You have my attention,but don't keep me guessing for too long!!I hope you're not alluding to the Clearaudio stuff.

Speedy, nope, the Clearaudio fortifications have not been penetrated by my spies. However, based on other intelligence, I was simply advising those in the market to purchase, or especially those thinking about an upgrade, to perhaps hold off a bit.

Try the following site for a credit card size digital scale with 1/100 gm measurement accuracy (only $30)

Rightonscales is out of the Jennings but savon has 'em:


They're quite good. I have the audiophile-modified version by Audioparts, but it cost 5x more.
Neil, is that the Audio One? Now up over 2 bills. That one is interesting with the modification to allow measurements close to record level and it does have enough precision.