How is my loading affecting my sound?

I bought a Tom Evans The Groove recently with high gain and 562 the gain is .2mv. I am using a Dynavector XV-1S set for 2.47g on a EMT 948 table. It is a .3mv cartridge which the recommendation is for greater than 30ohms loading.

What difference should the loading make? How does too high differ from too low or just right? Since I own a phonostage that has hardwired loading, how will I know what to have it set to?

How does loading change cartridge setup?
Loading is another word for resistance/capacitance or total impedance. It will still play but when impedances' match it is like putting two of the same size pipes together, verses having a 4 inch feeder pipe and connecting it to a one inch pipe. The flow will not be as good being too compressed and just the opposite is to have a one inch pipe feeder going into 4 inch pipe, too uncontrolled. I hope this helps.
Dear lakefrontroad: Normally your Groove comes with an impedance of 100 Ohms and if you want to change it you have to change inside the impedance resistor: Tom Evans people has to support about.

I use my XV-1 with around 700 Ohms and a VTF of 2.4 grs: great performance. This cartridge has flat frequency between 500 and 800 Ohms.

If you open the load impedance: 47K you could have a bright sound and if the impedance is to low you could have a dull sound. The load impedance affect likely to the high frequency range. You have to be carefully on this subject for not equalized your cartridge signal.

The XV-1 has a very neutral/transparent resolution and almost perfect tonal balance top to bottom, of course there are other characteristics about but when you achieve those ones you are really near the cartridge target.

Btw, impressive audio system you have, those great speakers!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!

Regards and enjoy the music.
The last few paragraphs on the Bent page regarding the effects are generic and apply to both active and transformer stages.
The load is currently at 562 ohms. I'm trying to understand why Dynavector recommends 30 ohms and what 562 ohms will do to the sound.

Since I can't change the load myself, how do I know what to change it to?