$2k for new Cartridge Benz LP or......

Hi all,

I'm looking to change my cartridge and have the opportunity to trade my Benz Ruby 2 for an LP for $2k. I will be able to hear the LP but not in my system...and the system I will hear it in is significantly differnent so the excercise may be less than useful. I also have Helikon on hand but found it not as pleasing through the mid band as the Benz. It is sitting on the shelf with probably less than 200hrs on it.

What else is out there around the $2k mark that would have the ease through the mid band and some slam..I have refurbed stacked ESLs running back through a Berning ZH 270 or Futterman H3 or Various vintage amps to an Aesthetix Io Sig with VC & 2 supplies . Arm is an SMEV and Hovland MusicGroove 2.

$2K is a challenge I know.. but this is the ease of entry for the LP I'd really love an upper end Koetsu but the $$$ are not workable now..Thanks for any comments.
Congratulations Nkj. I used a RSP/Oracle V/Triplanar IV for years and was never disappointed. Though I've "defected" to the Benz LP I still think your front end will be remarkably satisfying. Enjoy!
Well I got the RSP installed and my eyes are probably not what they used to be...I set it up with the tacky SME gauge (what a pain to get the stylus point in the "little" hole), the Oracle disc (which is remarkably good but still tough to see) and the DB systems protractor which is probably the best but still painful...its pretty darn close.

I'll re check over the weekend when I'm less frustrated as I can feel an accident waiting to happen. I stupidly ended up breaking off an aluminum cartridge screw into the body of my perfectly good Benz Ruby 2 when putting it away...so I'll let that sit for a while until I decide to send it off as I don't think I'll ever be able to get the broken stud out...argh!

Right away you can hear the sustain and fineness in the top end with the RSP...the tremble in Neil Young's voice never sounded so rich and real!