stylus cleaning

I have a Dynavector 17D2 and have been advised not to use my audio technica vibrating stylus cleaner as it may damage the cantilever. Is this correct and if so what is the best way to keep the stylus clean on these cartridges?
The Zerodust glob of goop works as well as anything that I've seen on any stylus. There is usually some guy on AudiogoN who is selling them under $40.00 including shipping.
Dear Rocketiii: The Jependleton is a good advice.

Btw, who/where told you about your Audio Technica cleaner?

Regards and enjoy the music.
Hi Rauliruegas, the advice on the Audio Technica was from the dealer who sold me the cartridge. He said that it was something to do with the short cantilever. As a result I stopped using it but it used to give really good results on the last cartridge (Koetsu Black) especially with some Isopropyl alcohol on the pad.

Thanks all for advice on the Zerodust - I will try some!
I use the Zerodust and like it. For a liquid cleaner I have found the Record Research Labs product to be very good.