Can a garage serve as listening room?

My system is currently located in my living room, which is a nice big room. However, due to space constraints (wife imposed of course), and the dangers posed by ambulatory toddlers, I have considered moving my system to my garage. However, I fear that a metal garage door, and concrete floors will probably have negative sonic ramifications. Is this so?

All responses will be greatly appreciated.


You can do it, but just don't expect to plunk the system down in there and get great sound. You will have to address the "sound" of the room with acoustic tuning. A garage typically has very little soft material like your couch, chairs, carpet, etc. That being said, I can get great sound by accident in my commercial garage/workshop. Especially with live music cranked up. Not much soft in there, but alot of junk everywhere to break up the surfaces. Huge metal door... no problem. Actually sounds better with the door down. It's nothing like the presentation I get at home, but still enjoyable/involving. You may find that a garage situation chages your preference in listening habits, music, and even components. Less sitting down and being caressed by her voice and more rocking out. You're your own garage band!
OMG Peter, that is a beautiful room. Is that really your garage? Are those speakers Tidal Audio?