Ideal TT & Arm for the following top cartridges...

Koetsu RS Platinum
Van Den Hul Colibri XGW
Miyabi/47 Labs
Allaerts MC2 Finish

So the search is on. I agree with a colleague's comment that although it is convenient for AB'ing cartridges, my VPI extended Aries (ver. 1, no flywheel, no SDS) with a 12.6 bearing assembly and JMW 12.5 and two 12.6 armwands does not fully show the potential of these cartridges. Certainly I can upgrade to the Aries 3 and add the flywheel and SDS or step up to the TNT line, but considering the performance level of these cartirdges, I do not want to overlook something else.

The Allaerts is enroute so I cannot comment on it yet. But I really like the RSP and Miyabi (the RSP being more refined overall) vs. the VDH for now. It could be a loading issue (now at 250 Ohms) but the VDH, although fast, transparent, detailed and dimensional, it is also lean and uninvolving (I hear the VDH platinum option can address this).

So I would appreciate your recommendations on a TT and Arm combo in the $5k-10k range as used/demo demo pieces that are capable of showcasing the performance potential of these fine cartridges. Feel free to make a single recommendation (arm or TT only) or synergistic combination.

The rest of the system includes the Ear 88pb phono stage, a modded Electron Images MCP-1 and trying a friend's Whest PS 2.0 for kicks (a Wavestream Kinetics phonostage is coming), Bent TX103 step up as needed, First Sound Paramount Mk II pre, Dehavilland Aries 845G monoblocks (NOS tubed), highly modded Coincident Milleniums.

TIA & best regards!
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With any of the four cartridges you mention, (I'm including the 47, though I really don't know it) you'll want to make accurate VTA/SRA settings and/or adjustments on a regular basis probably.

That limits the choice of arms to either the Tri Planar (gimbal) or the Graham 2.2 or Phantom (unipivot) for easy adjustment as far as pivoting arms go. And I don't think any of the few straightline trackers currently in production offer any advantages in the VTA/SRA adjustment department, and some of your cartridge choices may not work with them at all for effective mass mismatch reasons.

Anyone want to add good (meaning: easy to make adjustments, preferably on the fly) alternatives to the Tri Planar or Graham? Please do.

TTs? Too many good ones, though if you're planning to run multiple arms, Raul will probably tell you to find a used
Micro Seiki ;~))
Nsgarch - Great points! Yes ease of VTA/SRA adjustment are desireable tonearm features and as is a TT that can accomodate multiple arms.

If I only had to choose between the Tri-Planar or the Graham, then the former would more likely get the nod. I have heard all three tonearms you recommended. In most instances, the Graham was "clinical/mechanical" and not as involving.

Can't wait to hear from Raul. Anyone have experience with the Helius or Schroeder arm (don't know of its adjustable features) with any of these cartridges?
Dear Ctm: For the KRSP: Lustre GST 801 or Ikeda 407.

Allaerts MC 2 Finish: Ikeda 407.
Colibri: Sumiko MDC 800 or Brinkman.
Myabi 47: SME IV ( rewired )

XV-1: Lustre GST 801, SME IV and Ikeda 407.

Those ones are my experiences about.

For turntables I recomended any all metal design like: Galibier, Acoustic Signature, Micro Seiki, Avid, Verdier, etc. etc.

Regards and enjoy the music.