Andrew, don't be skeptical. There is absolutely no mystery here. It's all physics and simple geometry. The most important thing to remember when approaching the matter of setting correct SRA, is to have all the other settings perfect beforehand. IMO, the proper order for setting up TT/TA/cart. is as follows:
1.) Level the platter, and then cross-check to make sure the headshell is level (across, not front to back) -- especially important if the headshell is not adjustable (like an SME V!)
2.) Install the cartridge and adjust the stylus overhang at the spindle.
3.) Adjust the cartridge yaw (rotation as seen from above) to reduce tracking error at two points across the record using one of the many cartidge alignment gauges available.
4.) Set the VTF -- at the top of its range if it's a new cartridge, less if already broken-in. Use a digital stylus gauge that reads to 1/100 gram (two decimal places.) Do not apply antiskate yet. You'll need it off to check the stylus vertical position.
5.) Then set the arm parallel to the platter. By eye is good enough. I sometimes use one of those little round bubble levels. They weigh only .15 gm, so you can put it right on top of the headshell before setting the stylus on the record, without fear of cartridge damage.
6.) Now you can begin the SRA setup process. First find where the stylus is vertical as I explained earlier -- and which was the reason for this thread ;-)) -- and then raise the tonearm post 4 or 5 mm.
7.) Now you can set the antiskate. I do it visually if I can (meaning if I have a high compliance cart. which lets me see the cantilever shift with the application of AS force) Otherwise set it by the numbers. Using a test record can also be helpful.
8.) NOW you are ready to begin listening and moving the tonearm post sligntly up or down from the +4 mm setting.
I cringe when people make absolute pronouncements, but honestly, you must follow this process exactly if you expect meaningful results.
1.) Level the platter, and then cross-check to make sure the headshell is level (across, not front to back) -- especially important if the headshell is not adjustable (like an SME V!)
2.) Install the cartridge and adjust the stylus overhang at the spindle.
3.) Adjust the cartridge yaw (rotation as seen from above) to reduce tracking error at two points across the record using one of the many cartidge alignment gauges available.
4.) Set the VTF -- at the top of its range if it's a new cartridge, less if already broken-in. Use a digital stylus gauge that reads to 1/100 gram (two decimal places.) Do not apply antiskate yet. You'll need it off to check the stylus vertical position.
5.) Then set the arm parallel to the platter. By eye is good enough. I sometimes use one of those little round bubble levels. They weigh only .15 gm, so you can put it right on top of the headshell before setting the stylus on the record, without fear of cartridge damage.
6.) Now you can begin the SRA setup process. First find where the stylus is vertical as I explained earlier -- and which was the reason for this thread ;-)) -- and then raise the tonearm post 4 or 5 mm.
7.) Now you can set the antiskate. I do it visually if I can (meaning if I have a high compliance cart. which lets me see the cantilever shift with the application of AS force) Otherwise set it by the numbers. Using a test record can also be helpful.
8.) NOW you are ready to begin listening and moving the tonearm post sligntly up or down from the +4 mm setting.
I cringe when people make absolute pronouncements, but honestly, you must follow this process exactly if you expect meaningful results.