Help Viridian will a Denon 103 work in a Rega arm

I am using a vintage Denon 103D in my Micro Seiki MR-711 and would like to try a new 103 in my P3 or my Technics. Most likely the P3. I would appreciate guidance from anyone that has first hand experience using a current production 103 in a stock Rega arm. Transformer will be a Denon AU-320. Thanking all of you in advance for your guidance and continued support.
The Rega/Denon 103 combination works fine. Together, midrange is penetrating and music is articulated artfully, without being too hifi. A Heavyweight or similar counterweight upgrade, and especially the Michell Tecnoweight, will seriously improve sound over the stock Rega arm counterweight. I've been using this combination successfully for many years.

How about with a Premier FT3 arm? Also, must you use a step up transformer with this cart?
I have 103R on the way which I will be mounting on an FT3 when it arrives. I'll keep you posted, but I am not expecting any problems.
I've had my new 103R mounted in my FT3 for about a week now and have about 10 hours on it. It replaced an older Ortofon MC 20 Super and I couldn't be happier with its performance. I have not used any damping on the FT3 to this point and may experiment with that a bit later to see if there is any improvement. My gut feeling is that I'll be running undamped or with very little damping based on what I'm hearing right now. The Ortofon did not like any damping at all, but its compliance numbers are significantly different than the Denon's. So if you have an FT3, I wouldn't hesitate to stick a 103 or 103R on it.

Yes it will. However, there's a simple way to make it 'sing' in this arm.

I took a trip to the local ACE Hardware store. I purchased some brass screws with bolts. Mounted them 'upside down'. Brass screws are recommended by MapleShade (; look under "turntable upgrades").


My stereo sounds better than ever! What I did notice was that there is a big difference in weight between the two screws Denon gives you and the brass ones. If I remember correctly, the Rega has 11 grams of effective mass; the 'perfect match'---the older SME's---have 14 grams of mass.

GET BRASS SCREWS AND MOUNT THAT DENON!! I wonder if this is another way to make the Denon work as it should??

(another) Marty