Should I purchase an expensive phono preamp

I have a Nottingham Horizon TT with the Rega 250 arm and a Goldring 1000 series MM cartridge. This is hooked up to a Pioneer Elite VSX-99 AV receiver that has a built in phono stage. I am trying to improve on the phono stage but I am wondering if there will be diminishing returns going to the more expensive stages. I am considering Lehmann BC, Graham Slee Era Gold V and AcousTech PH-1. I listen to Jazz, Old School R&B and Classic Rock music mainly.
I ended up deciding to go with the Bellari. Any suggestions for interconnects? Also, thinking about investing in a couple of different tubes. Any suggestions on where to buy them?
Ejcpa, what cable are you (will you be) using from your tonearm to your phono preamp?
no..use the one provided on your pioneer until you upgrade the reciever.jaybo
Its the cable that came with the tonearm and turntable (bought used on Audiogon). Doen't look to be very high quality.