Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences


I have read a lot of threads regarding the "superiortiy" of these tonearms in the right combinations of tables and catridges. However, there doesn't seem to be a lot said about the soncic characteristics of each brand and the differences between them. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts about their strengths and weaknesses, sonci characteristics, applicability to various types of music (rock, pop, classical, large scale, small scale, etc).

Will a Schroeder deliver dynamics, punch, bass suited to Rock music? Will a Triplanar deliver natural, timbral accuracy? Are both these arms suited to the same music?

Thanks in advance,

Hi Andrew,

The choices between Schröder and Triplanar were eloquently and concisely stated by Doug. I've clumsily attempted to say exactly this on more than one occasion. That's our story, and we're sticking to it.

I'd add only one thing to Doug's comments - something I make a point of emphasizing to everyone who asks me about these arms.

I've noticed that different people relate to or interact differently with each of the tonearms. Some find the Schröder to be easier to set up, while others relate better to the Triplanar. Both arms are straight-forward however.

Because Frank's arm is so innovative, the user will most definitely benefit from a guided tour, but this is not to say that it is difficult any more than the Triplanar is.

I think setup should factor strongly into the decision, because the arm that you interact with best is the arm you will set up best, and guess what? They are both so good, that the one you set up best will be ... you guessed it ... the best ... at least as far as you are concerned, which is all that matters.

I don't know how to respond to the "cueing drift" comments because I've never experienced this. My experience tells me the that there is no design flaw. Quality issue? Unfortunately, I have no way of getting valid statistics.

In defense of Tri Mai reacting to design suggestions, I'm sure that his experience matches up mine. Sure, I have some suggestions for him too, but the fact of the matter is that it is a top-tier product exactly as designed.

You'd be amazed at the number of suggestions I get from people - many of them being great ideas - some of which I've either previously considered, planned for the future, or come to the realization that being a small operation, the path might never be explored.

Oh yeah ... Jackson Hole currently has a 97" base with more snow on the way. You're making me seriously consider playing hooky mid-week to join you, but alas, I have an out of town guest coming into town.

Thom @ Galibier
Doug, & company,

Thanks for your replies. I have read the Dougdeacon and Cello threads extensively and what I have taken away is that these two arms/brands are considered probably #1 and #2. Thanks for further elucidating on the sonic differences.

I'm looking in the 2,500-3,900 range and, setup and VTA repeatability aside, if a properly set up Schroeder Model 2 comes close to the Triplanar VII then I might put the price difference towards a better cartridge.

I value timbral accuracy but I want to make sure that the Schroeder does not give up much in the areas of dynamics, energy, detail, bass response, etc.

I wasn't aware of some QC issues with Triplanar. Hopefully this gets worked out.

Thanks guys. Sonically, it seems one can not go wrong with either arm.


Maybe your question about my preference for Science or Art was rhetorical, but I'll answer it anyway. I'm actually an engineer/scientist so I do appreciate deliniating the individual sub-components of the music's fabric. I tend to favor highly engineered and scientifically worked out solutions. I've beem listening to CD for the last 20 years after abondoning analog. Then again, I was listening to a Technics player in those days. Through extensive modifications to my Wadia CD player by GNSC combined with the incredible capabilites of Virtual Dynamicss cables, I feel that I'm getting the best of both worlds in terms of detail/dynamics and timral/natural musical realisim. I'm attempting to achieve this same combo in an analog system but to an overall higher degree.

Now at night, I'm probably leaning towards art...howerver, the engineer in me is never fully surpressed. Therefore, sounds like I am looking for the best of both worlds.

...if a properly set up Schroeder Model 2 comes close to the Triplanar VII then I might put the price difference towards a better cartridge.
I guess that depends on what you call "close". The Model 2 is a great arm for the money, but to my ears there's a large gap between it and the Reference/TriPlanar level. Cartridges come and go but certain tonearms can be forever. The Ref and the TP are two of those.

I value timbral accuracy but I want to make sure that the Schroeder does not give up much in the areas of dynamics, energy, detail, bass response, etc.
They really are very close, at least with the ZYX UNIverses we used for comparison. As ThomasHeisig said the TriPlanar does win in those dynamics/energy areas, but not by very much.

Thom's suggestion that you choose based on which design makes you feel more comfortable was very sensible. With any top arm you'll have to work it to get the best from it.

I wasn't aware of some QC issues with Triplanar. Hopefully this gets worked out.
These shouldn't scare anyone off too much. Once the arm's working right it should work right forever. Mine had a minor cueing drift issue when new. I DIY'd a simple fix (simpler than Chris Brady's suggested mod) and three years later I'd still never trade it for any pivoting arm I've heard.

P.S. to Swampwalker
Thanks for the nice words. Believe it or not, what you heard then was fairly lame compared to what we hear now, thanks to our new amp and preamp. Our TT's back up and running and we're ready for that preamp party whenever you are. Let me know!
Thom, Doug and Thomashesig,

Thanks for your additonal feedback. I can see what you mean about ease of set up and its translation to the final result. I'll keep this in mind.


Jackson should be nice...