Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences


I have read a lot of threads regarding the "superiortiy" of these tonearms in the right combinations of tables and catridges. However, there doesn't seem to be a lot said about the soncic characteristics of each brand and the differences between them. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts about their strengths and weaknesses, sonci characteristics, applicability to various types of music (rock, pop, classical, large scale, small scale, etc).

Will a Schroeder deliver dynamics, punch, bass suited to Rock music? Will a Triplanar deliver natural, timbral accuracy? Are both these arms suited to the same music?

Thanks in advance,

Speedy, if I get my hands on an Allaerts I won't be trading for ANY lp! Not even that Doors first issue. But we could mount up the cartridge for a spin.

Doug, I'd really love to hear your system. It has been on my "things to do" list for quite some time. I'm guessing you're just about 1/2 way between me and Piscataway. OOOooooohhh. Single malt.

This would make a great weekend. My wife is always bugging me to figure out a way to go some where. Now she's gonna' pay! :)
Rick,I wasn't hinting at you driving.I thought you lived near Dave,and that He would drive.Sorry!
BTW-16 years ago,I lived in Great Kills!I won the "Walker Park" tennis open back then,that park,near St.Vincent Hospital(where my kids were born) is where the very first tennis court was introduced to the U.S.,by Mary Outerbridge!Just some meaningless info.


I often drive from Long Island to Sturbridge Mass and probably pass through your area. I would like to take you up on your offer some time.

I'm a Lagavulin fan myself. I'll bring up a bottle.

I have never heard of Glenmorangie,or Lagavulin(have any of you heard of Gallo?),but from the "great cheap wines" that I have come to be acquainted with,I have noticed that some of the newer(from cheapo wines) corks look to be of a superb material,to act as an effective dampening footer,under certain equipment.Of course it would have to be cut into disc form,but don't laugh!The next time you splurge for a ten dollar bottle,assuming it is NOT actually real cork,take a gander at some of the "rubbery" stuff employed these days.Looks to make really good footers,for some equipment.I know,I know,I HAVE really lost it!But who doesn't know that,already?
Of course I wouldn't be surprised if some of this stuff got bought in bulk,cut to various sizes and was sold as fairly pricey dampening material.Knowing how this hobby can be,at times.

BTW,Doug--That was a very nice gesture,on your part.For those living in geographical proximity to you,and Paul.Sort of lends creedence to one of my favorite phrases---"It's nice,to be nice,to the nice"!You and Paul must be "nice guys"!!
Of course that is no guarantee that anyone will find your system sounding--"nice" -:)

Andrew, I sincerely hope that I have not lent a hand in hijacking this thread. (Yeah, like I'm innocent!) Through recent posts I gather that events are turning toward something very close to the spirit of your original posts.

To those who might be following this thread I want to make it clear that I'm having absolutely no issues at all with coordinating plans with Galibier Design. Thom and I have been in constant contact, but we are both professionals and as much as we'd like it otherwise, work takes precedence. So, for anyone interested, the quasi-planned trip to hear the best available in Dever trip probably won't happen before the middle of May. This whole thing is going to be slightly hit or miss ( for lack of a better description ), but I really believe that when it does come together it will be worth it in spades!

After thoughtful negotiations over Mexican food, Marguaritas (me, not her. Oh my gawd, what did I say I would to?), and the calender of events, my wife has agreed to put up with me for a weekend of gleeful, geeky discussions and encounters concerning all things audio. She really means that we have to keep her entertained or she's gonna say "Screw you guys, I'm goin' home!"

(Really, she's a great person and a good sport! After 30 years I should know!)

Doug, I have to echo Speedy's praise that it is very good of you and Paul to offer your hospitality. I would have considered flyin down to Philly and then driving over for the VTV weekend but I would not pass up the opportunity to visit with you guys and hear your system.

All the best to everyone,
