Sorry,forgot to mention something that I'm sure is obvious to all of us addicts.Thomas is right,and I knew this when posting about the Titan,but like a great evening out,with friends at a good restaurant,once you're having a grand old time,it's so easy to overrate the food,a bit!
I'm not saying I was off regarding my,and others,impressions of the Titan-i,but to compare it to my exposure with the superb Univ was a bit of a stretch.In lieu of the fact that I heard the Univ only once(still getting a good read,on it),and hearing the Titan-i on loads of occassions.The fact that I always hear the Titan with the best first pressing lp's could not have hurt either!It's damn good,though!
With the finest lp's,the Titan-i is NOT "sharp",or lean,or clinical etc.As I have more than one friend owning it,and all very serious hobbyist/listeners/collectors of vinyl(one owning it,with a Koetsu Coral,and a Lyra Olympos),this is the sentiments of those learned folks.They think it's great,and have heard lots of the great cartridges as well.-----Btw,How much fun is this hobby?----
Also,to hopefully have some degree of credibility,I almost never reference my own feelings about what I myself own.To me,it's always better to reference one's tastes through another familiar set-up,as this frees one to NOT be in a position of rationalizing what we own,and hear.Let's face it.We all love our stuff.Especially when we've spent the kind of money on it,that this hobby sometimes requires.No need to say "mine is the best I've heard".To me,it sound sort of obnoxious,and I know that I already am!Sorry!!Have to go now,time to get out on a tennis court.My game sucks lately.Of that I CAN be truthful!