I don't know, is there a "best" cartridge?
Well, some of my impressions, specially for the Titan, one of it's official Importers called it "sharp, that's why we change them all to the Scala Line, they sound more pleasant", or the Transfiguration Line, I like them, one of my friends compared the latest one to his Zyx UNIverse and decided, not to buy the Transfiguration, for him, there was no reason to go for it. Raul is mad for UNIverse, personally I think, there is much worse out there ( I own one ). In my opinion it is much more efficient to share our opinions in the most honest way. Of course there is always one or the other out there, who benefits from the sale of a product and tries to push it with a few audiophile "friends", but that's the way it is.
And, lots of Vinyl masterings have so much "influences", it is also hard to way, what's RIGHT ...